
Shipping API V1.1

This document describes the shipping APIs v1.1 that allow interaction various services like shipment, collection, label...

There are two environments, one PREPROD for testing, with base URL:

And the PROD environment with real data for general usage:

Common Information

Shipping API is used to integrate shipping functionalities in DPD Shipping system to manage shipping orders

Shipping API services are can be accessed with HTTP(s) protocol. On the right hand side of this document, you can see example response and request data.

To authenticate against the API, please you will need to acquire a JWT token from DPD. The token contain information that let the system verify your identity and scope of access. The JWT token should be included in HTTP header Authorization with Bearer scheme.

Detailed request/response schema with description is linked in each API to the Schemas section that describe in detail each property.

Status Codes

Shipping API services utilize HTTP response status codes to give an insight on whether API calls have completed sucessfully or not and the possible reason of failure

Status Meaning Description
200 OK The operation completed sucessfully
400 Bad Request Invalid input or input failed validation rule
401 Unauthorized You are not authorized to view the resource
403 Forbidden Accessing the resource you were trying to reach is forbidden
404 Not Found The resource you were trying to reach is not found
500 Internal Server Error Something went wrong with the system
503 Service Unavailable The system is currently too busy or down for maintenance


Create shipment

This API is used to create a new shipment in DPD Shipping system

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}' \
  --data-raw '{{body}}'

POST /shipments

Body parameter

        "name":"Sender Loc",
        "street":"Phuc La",
        "street":"Example Street",
        "shipMrn":"MRN of the electronicv export declaration",
        "siName1":"Bob Signer",
        "siName2":"Signer remaining name",
        "siStreet":"Long Street",
        "siContact":"Mr Signer",
        "cComment":"This is a comment in Inter section",
        "cStreet":"Importer Avenue",
        "cContact":"Mr Manager",
            "cComment":"Description of shoes",
            "cFabricComposition":"Rubber and silk"
          "reference1":"re1 22",
          "reference2":"re2 22",
          "reference3":"re3 22",
          "reference4":"re4 22",


Name In Type Mandatory Description
Authorization header string Yes JWT Access Token
body body NewExternalShipmentRequestDTO Yes shipmentRequest

Example responses

200 Response

  "transactionId": 4383,
  "shipmentResults": [
      "numOrder": 1,
      "labelFile": "data:application/pdf;base64,JVBERi0xLjUKJeL...YK",
      "shipment": {
        "shipmentId": 52172,
        "shpParcelCounts": 1,
        "shpWeight": 11.0,
        "mpsidCckey": "I",
        "customerId": "Duyenbth",
        "createDate": "20210803",
        "createTime": "022915",
        "printDate": "20210803",
        "printTime": "022915",
        "sendingBuCode": "032",
        "updateDate": "20210803",
        "updateTime": "022915",
        "sender": {
          "addressId": "56",
          "name": "FPT",
          "countryCode": "LT",
          "zipCode": "01104",
          "city": "Vilnius",
          "street": "A. Vienuolio gatvė",
          "houseNo": "1",
          "contactName": "DuyenBTH",
          "contactPhonePrefix": "+370",
          "contactPhone": "123",
          "contactEmail": "",
          "senderCustId": "Duyenbth",
          "uniqCustId": "1234"
        "receiver": {
          "name": "Thien",
          "name2": "Loc2",
          "companyName": "companyName",
          "companyName2": "companyName2",
          "countryCode": "PL",
          "zipCode": "02776",
          "city": "Warsaw",
          "street": "Phuc La",
          "houseNo": "C",
          "flatNo": "CT4",
          "address2": "address2",
          "address3": "address3",
          "department": "CT4C",
          "floor": "3",
          "doorCode": "310",
          "contactName": "Loc",
          "contactMobile": "84212",
          "contactPhone": "+233",
          "contactFax": "12",
          "contactInterphoneName": "1212",
          "contactEmail": "",
          "additionalAddressInfo": "additionalAddressInfo"
        "routing": {
          "buCode": "021",
          "buAlphaString": "DPD",
          "networkCode": "616",
          "dcountry": "PL",
          "barcodeId": "%",
          "serviceText": "D-COD",
          "version": "21050301",
          "dDepotCountry": "PL",
          "dDepot": "0211305",
          "dDepotStr": "1305",
          "sSort": "WA1",
          "dSort": "ZZ10"
        "inter": {
          "parcelType": "P",
          "currency": "EUR",
          "currencyEx": "HUF",
          "clearanceCleared": "F",
          "highLowValue": "H",
          "preAlertStatus": "S03",
          "shipMrn": "MRN of the electronicv export declaration",
          "siName1": "Bob Signer",
          "siName2": "Signer remaining name",
          "siStreet": "Long Street",
          "siPropNum": "12a",
          "siCountryCode": "FR",
          "siState": "GE",
          "siZipCode": "16500",
          "siTown": "Prague",
          "siGpsLat": "50.0865",
          "siGpsLong": "14.4114",
          "siContact": "Mr Signer",
          "siPhonePrefix": "+48",
          "siPhone": "123456789",
          "siEmail": "signer@invoice.test",
          "opCode": "INS",
          "numberOfArticle": 2,
          "destCountryReg": "Dolnoslaskie",
          "siEori": "GB987654312000",
          "reasonForExport": "01",
          "cAmount": 100,
          "cAmountEx": 2,
          "cTerms": "01",
          "cPaper": "A",
          "cComment": "This is a comment in Inter section",
          "cInvoice": "FV/01/2023",
          "cInvoiceDate": "20230115",
          "cName1": "John",
          "cName2": "Cena",
          "cStreet": "Importer Avenue",
          "cPropNum": "420c",
          "cCountryCode": "PL",
          "cState": "TX",
          "cZipCode": "53520",
          "cTown": "Wroclaw",
          "cGpsLat": "51.1069",
          "cGpsLong": "17.0773",
          "cContact": "Mr Manager",
          "cPhonePrefix": "+48",
          "cPhone": "987654321",
          "cFaxPrefix": "+48",
          "cFax": "789456123",
          "cEmail": "impoter@inter.test",
          "cGln": "0847976000005",
          "cVatNo": 123456,
          "cNumber": "PL/147658",
          "cEori": 123456,
          "sVatNo": 321321,
          "sEori": 567567,
          "rVatNo": 876987,
          "rEori": 890890,
          "interInvoiceList": [
              "rcTarif": "1234567",
              "scTarif": "500x",
              "goodsWebPage": "",
              "cInvoicePosition": 1,
              "qItems": 2,
              "cContent": "Shoes",
              "cAmountLine": 21.37,
              "cComment": "Description of shoes",
              "cOrigin": "CZ",
              "cNetWeight": 3,
              "cGrossWeight": 6000,
              "cProdCode": "SH2137",
              "cProdType": "SHOE",
              "cFabricComposition": "Rubber and silk"
        "parcels": [
            "parcelId": 56765,
            "parcelNumber": "05910000000004",
            "parcelNumberCckey": "I",
            "weight": 11.0,
            "dimensionWidth": 13,
            "dimensionHeight": 11,
            "dimensionLength": 12,
            "limitedQuantity": 1,
            "barcodeText": "0002776059100000000041096162",
            "reference1": "re1 22",
            "reference2": "re2 22",
            "reference3": "re3 22",
            "reference4": "re4 22",
            "soCode": "109",
            "parcelCod": {
              "codAmount": 10.0,
              "currency": "PLN",
              "paymentType": "Cash",
              "reference": "12"
            "returnConsolidation": {
              "returnComment": "returnComment",
              "returnGln": "123",
              "returnDepot": "asd123",
              "returnPudoId": "4325125",
              "returnDepotAddress": {
                "name": "name",
                "name2": "name",
                "companyName": "companyName",
                "countryCode": "VN",
                "zipCode": "AB64C",
                "city": "city",
                "street": "street",
                "houseNo": "houseNo",
                "flatNo": "flatNo",
                "address2": "address2",
                "address3": "address3",
                "department": "department",
                "floor": "floor",
                "doorCode": "doorCode",
                "building": "building",
                "contactName": "contactName",
                "contactPhonePrefix": "123",
                "contactPhone": "867963445",
                "contactFaxPrefix": "321",
                "contactFax": "1231245436",
                "contactInterphoneName": "contactInterphoneName",
                "contactEmail": "",
                "additionalAddressInfo": "additionalAddressInfo",
                "longitude": "12412341",
                "latitude": "3634234235",
                "stateCode": "CV"
        "shpReference1": "ref1",
        "shpReference2": "ref2",
        "shpReference3": "ref3",
        "shpReference4": "ref4",
        "status": 2,
        "mpsId": "05910000000004",
        "printRef1AsBarcode": false,
        "service": {
          "mainServiceElementCodes": [
          "additionalService": {
            "cod": {
              "split": "even",
              "amount": 10.0,
              "currency": "PLN",
              "paymentType": "Cash",
              "reference": "12"
            "additionalProductList": [
                "name": "COD",
                "elements": [
                "nonopsElements": []
        "sDepot": "0320591",
        "originalCustomerId": "id"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK OK ExternalShipmentCreationResponseDTO
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized None
500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error None

Cancel shipment

This API is used to cancel an existing shipment in DPD Shipping system. If shipment is "Draft", shipment is deleted. If shipment is not "Draft", shipment status is updated to "Cancelled"

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X PUT \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}' \
  --data-raw '{{body}}'

PUT /shipments/cancellation

Body parameter

    "buCode": "021",
    "customerId": "Duyenbth",
    "shipmentIdList": [


Name In Type Mandatory Description
Authorization header string Yes JWT Access Token
body body ExternalShipmentCancelRequestDTO Yes List of shipment ID in DPD Shipping

Example responses

200 Response

    "transactionId": 4384,
    "cancelResultList": [
            "shipmentId": 52172


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Successfully cancel shipment ExternalShipmentCancelResponseDTO
401 Unauthorized You are not authorized to view the resource None
403 Forbidden Accessing the resource you were trying to reach is forbidden None
404 Not Found The resource you were trying to reach is not found None

Retrieve full data of shipment by Shipment Id

This API is used to retrieve full shipment data of a specific shipment.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET{id} \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}' 

GET /shipments/{id}


Name In Type Mandatory Description
Authorization header string Yes JWT Access Token
id path long Yes Shipment ID in DPD Shipping.

Example responses

200 Response

    "transactionId": 4399,
    "shipment": {
        "shipmentId": 52172,
        "shpParcelCounts": 1,
        "shpWeight": 11.0,
        "mpsidCckey": "I",
        "customerId": "Duyenbth",
        "createDate": "20210803",
        "createTime": "022915",
        "printDate": "20210803",
        "printTime": "022915",
        "sendingBuCode": "032",
        "updateDate": "20210803",
        "updateTime": "030524",
        "sender": {
            "addressId": "56",
            "name": "FPT",
            "countryCode": "LT",
            "zipCode": "01104",
            "city": "Vilnius",
            "street": "A. Vienuolio gatvė",
            "houseNo": "1",
            "contactName": "DuyenBTH",
            "contactPhonePrefix": "+370",
            "contactPhone": "123",
            "contactEmail": "",
            "senderCustId": "Duyenbth",
        "receiver": {
            "name": "Thien",
            "name2": "Loc2",
            "companyName": "companyName",
            "companyName2": "companyName2",
            "countryCode": "PL",
            "zipCode": "02776",
            "city": "Warsaw",
            "street": "Phuc La",
            "houseNo": "C",
            "flatNo": "CT4",
            "address2": "address2",
            "address3": "address3",
            "department": "CT4C",
            "floor": "3",
            "doorCode": "310",
            "contactName": "Loc",
            "contactMobile": "84212",
            "contactPhone": "+233",
            "contactFax": "12",
            "contactInterphoneName": "1212",
            "contactEmail": "",
            "additionalAddressInfo": "additionalAddressInfo"
        "routing": {
            "buCode": "021",
            "buAlphaString": "DPD",
            "networkCode": "616",
            "dcountry": "PL",
            "barcodeId": "%",
            "serviceText": "D-COD",
            "version": "21050301",
            "dDepotCountry": "PL",
            "dDepot": "0211305",
            "dDepotStr": "1305",
            "sSort": "WA1",
            "dSort": "ZZ10"
        "parcels": [
                "parcelId": 56765,
                "parcelNumber": "05910000000004",
                "parcelNumberCckey": "I",
                "weight": 11.0,
                "dimensionWidth": 13,
                "dimensionHeight": 11,
                "dimensionLength": 12,
                "limitedQuantity": 1,
                "barcodeText": "0002776059100000000041096162",
                "reference1": "re1 22",
                "reference2": "re2 22",
                "reference3": "re3 22",
                "reference4": "re4 22",
                "soCode": "109",
                "parcelCod": {
                    "codAmount": 10.0,
                    "currency": "PLN",
                    "paymentType": "Cash",
                    "reference": "12"
                    "returnComment": "returnComment",
                    "returnGln": "123",
                    "returnDepot": "asd123",
                    "returnPudoId": "4325125",
                    "returnDepotAddress": {
                        "name": "name",
                        "name2": "name",
                        "companyName": "companyName",
                        "countryCode": "VN",
                        "zipCode": "AB64C",
                        "city": "city",
                        "street": "street",
                        "houseNo": "houseNo",
                        "flatNo": "flatNo",
                        "address2": "address2",
                        "address3": "address3",
                        "department": "department",
                        "floor": "floor",
                        "doorCode": "doorCode",
                        "building": "building",
                        "contactName": "contactName",
                        "contactPhonePrefix": "123",
                        "contactPhone": "867963445",
                        "contactFaxPrefix": "321",
                        "contactFax": "1231245436",
                        "contactInterphoneName": "contactInterphoneName",
                        "contactEmail": "",
                        "additionalAddressInfo": "additionalAddressInfo",
                        "longitude": "12412341",
                        "latitude": "3634234235",
                        "stateCode": "CV"
        "shpReference1": "ref1",
        "shpReference2": "ref2",
        "shpReference3": "ref3",
        "shpReference4": "ref4",
        "status": -1,
        "mpsId": "05910000000004",
        "printRef1AsBarcode": false,
        "service": {
            "mainServiceElementCodes": [
            "additionalService": {
                "cod": {
                    "split": "even",
                    "amount": 10.0,
                    "currency": "PLN",
                    "paymentType": "Cash",
                    "reference": "12"
                "additionalProductList": [
                        "name": "COD",
                        "elements": [
                        "nonopsElements": []
        "sDepot": "0320591",


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Successfully get shipment ExternalGetShipmentResponseDTOV2
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized None
404 Not Found Shipment ID not found None
500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error None

This API is used to print labels for all parcels of selcared shipments.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}' 

GET /labels

Name In Type Mandatory Description
Authorization header string Yes JWT Access Token
labelSize query string(2) No Label paper size, can be "A4" or "A6". If it's empty, use default value as "A4".
parcelNumber query string(14) No Parcel number. Label of shipment of input parcel will be returned. One of 2 parameters "shipmentId" or "parcelNumber" must be required.
printFormat query string(3) Conditional Format of printed label. Value can be "pdf" or "zpl". If saveMode is "printed" and this field is empty, use default value as "pdf".
shipmentId query long Conditional Shipment ID in DPD Shipping. One of 2 parameters "shipmentId" or "parcelNumber" must be required.
dpi query long No DPI value for ZPL label, can be 300 or 203. Defaults to 203 if missing or invalid.
parcelonly query bool No Default to false. Determines if one or all labels from MPS shipments should be printed. If set to True this endpoint will return only a single label from MPS shipments.

Example responses

200 Response

    "transactionId": 4390,
    "pdfFile": "^XA^MSY^PRC^FS^LH0,000^FS^BY3,,180^FX Logo declaration and content~DGE:icon2,01088,017..."
Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK OK ExternalLabelResponseDTO
400 Bad Request Invalid Input None
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized None
404 Not Found Shipment not found None
500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error None

Create Shipment Service for Relabeling

This API is used to relabeling parcels.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}' \
  --data-raw '{{body}}'

POST /shipments?reprint=true

Body parameter

  "buCode": "021",
  "shipments": [
      "depot": "0151392",
      "labelOptionalSection": {
        "reference1": "1000 CZK",
        "reference2": "COD reference",
        "reference3": "Shipment reference X",
        "reference4": "Parcel reference Y",
        "reference5": "Data for line 5",
        "reference6": "Data for line 6"
      "labelSize": "A6",
      "maskedSender": {
        "city": "Warsaw",
        "companyName": "companyName",
        "companyName2": "companyName2",
        "contactEmail": "",
        "contactFax": "12",
        "contactFaxPrefix": "12",
        "contactMobile": "212",
        "contactMobilePrefix": "1",
        "contactPhone": "233",
        "contactPhonePrefix": "84",
        "countryCode": "PL",
        "flatNo": "67A",
        "houseNo": "C",
        "name": "Sender Loc",
        "name2": "Loc2",
        "street": "Złota",
        "zipCode": "02776"
      "parcels": [
          "dimensionHeight": 11,
          "dimensionLength": 12,
          "dimensionWidth": 23,
          "limitedQuantity": true,
          "mpsId": "13480000099243",
          "parcelNumber": "13480000099243",
          "parcelRank": "1/2",
          "weight": 2.33
          "dimensionHeight": 10,
          "dimensionLength": 11,
          "dimensionWidth": 12,
          "limitedQuantity": true,
          "mpsId": "13480000099243",
          "parcelNumber": "13480000099244",
          "parcelRank": "2/2",
          "weight": 5
      "printFormat": "PDF",
      "receiver": {
        "additionalAddressInfo": "additionalAddressInfo",
        "address2": "address2",
        "address3": "address3",
        "city": "Prague",
        "companyName": "companyName",
        "companyName2": "companyName2",
        "contactEmail": "",
        "contactFax": "12",
        "contactFaxPrefix": "12",
        "contactInterphoneName": "Interphone",
        "contactMobile": "222222222",
        "contactMobilePrefix": "+420",
        "contactName": "Receiver contact name",
        "contactPhone": "233",
        "contactPhonePrefix": "84",
        "countryCode": "CZ",
        "department": "CT2",
        "doorCode": "703",
        "flatNo": "4",
        "floor": "7",
        "houseNo": "6",
        "name": "Receiver name",
        "name2": "Name 2",
        "street": "Jurkovicova",
        "zipCode": "14900"
      "sender": {
        "additionalAddressInfo": "additionalAddressInfo",
        "address2": "address2",
        "address3": "address3",
        "city": "Warsaw",
        "companyName": "companyName",
        "companyName2": "companyName2",
        "contactEmail": "",
        "contactFax": "1212121212",
        "contactFaxPrefix": "12",
        "contactInterphoneName": "Interphone",
        "contactMobile": "232323232",
        "contactMobilePrefix": "48",
        "contactName": "Tatiana",
        "contactPhone": "111111",
        "contactPhonePrefix": "+48",
        "countryCode": "PL",
        "department": "CT4C",
        "doorCode": "310",
        "flatNo": "CT4",
        "floor": "3",
        "houseNo": "8C",
        "name": "Sender Name",
        "name2": "Sender name 2",
        "street": "Krakowiakow 16",
        "zipCode": "02255"
      "service": {
        "mainServiceCode": "101"


Name In Type Mandatory Description
Authorization header string Yes JWT Access Token
reprint query boolean Conditional - Required in case of relabeling.
- User use the same api as Creating shipment API but with additional parameter "reprint". If user calls for /api/v1.1/shipments?reprint=true, then WPO 2.0 doesn't start normal process of shipment creation, but consume only parameters required to produce the label.
- Accept only value = true.
body body ExternalRelabelDTO Yes - Relabeling request object.

Example responses

200 Response

    "transactionId": 4395,
    "pdfFile": "data:application/pdf;base64,JVBERi0xLjUKJeLjz9MKNi...",
    "routing": {
        "buCode": "015",
        "buAlphaStr": "DPD",
        "networkCode": "203",
        "barcodeId": "%",
        "serviceText": "D",
        "version": "22070402",
        "barcodePostcode": "0014900",
        "soCode": "101",
        "dCountry": "CZ",
        "dDepotCountry": "CZ",
        "dDepot": "0151381",
        "dDepotStr": "1381",
        "dSort": "122A"
Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK OK ExternalRelabelResponseDTO
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized None
500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error None

Reprint Label by Shipment ID

This API is used to re-print label for new shipment created with parcel number assigned.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}' \
  --data-raw '{{body}}'

POST /labels/reprint

Body parameter

    "buCode": "021",
    "customerId": "Duyenbth",
    "labelSize": "A4",
    "printFormat": "pdf",
    "startPosition": 1,
    "shipmentId": 5217
Name In Type Mandatory Description
Authorization header string Yes JWT Access Token
body body ExternalLabelReprintDTO Yes Print label request object

Example responses

200 Response

    "transactionId": 4395,
    "pdfFile": "data:application/pdf;base64,JVBERi0xLjUKJeLjz9MKNi..."
Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK OK ExternalLabelResponseDTO
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized None
404 Not Found Shipment ID(s) not found None
500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error None

Return labels

This API is used to print return label using parcel number.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}'

GET /labels/return-label


Name In Type Mandatory Description
Authorization header string Yes JWT Access Token
labelSize query string(2) No Label paper size, can be "A4" or "A6". If it's empty, use default value as "A4".
parcelNumber query string(14) No Parcel number. Label of shipment of input parcel will be returned. One of 2 parameters "shipmentId" or "parcelNumber" must be required.
printFormat query string(3) Conditional Format of printed label. Value can be "pdf" or "zpl". If saveMode is "printed" and this field is empty, use default value as "pdf".
shipmentId query long Conditional Shipment ID in DPD Shipping. One of 2 parameters "shipmentId" or "parcelNumber" must be required.
depotId query long Yes Depot ID in DPD Shipping.
dpi query long No DPI value for ZPL label, can be 300 or 203. Defaults to 203 if missing or invalid.

Example responses

200 Response

    "transactionId": 4390,
    "pdfFile": "^XA^MSY^PRC^FS^LH0,000^FS^BY3,,180^FX Logo declaration and content~DGE:icon2,01088,017...",


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK OK ExternalLabelResponseReturnLabelDTO
400 Bad Request Invalid Input None
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized None
404 Not Found Shipment not found None
500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error None

This API is used to print labels for all parcels of shipments for given depot

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}' 

GET /depotlabels


Name In Type Mandatory Description
Authorization header string Yes JWT Access Token
labelSize query string(2) No Label paper size, can be "A4" or "A6". If it's empty, use default value as "A4".
parcelNumber query string(14) No Parcel number. Label of shipment of input parcel will be returned. One of 2 parameters "shipmentId" or "parcelNumber" must be required.
printFormat query string(3) Conditional Format of printed label. Value can be "pdf" or "zpl". If saveMode is "printed" and this field is empty, use default value as "pdf".
shipmentId query long Conditional Shipment ID in DPD Shipping. One of 2 parameters "shipmentId" or "parcelNumber" must be required.
dpi query long No DPI value for ZPL label, can be 300 or 203. Defaults to 203 if missing or invalid.

Example responses

200 Response

    "transactionId": 4390,
    "pdfFile": "^XA^MSY^PRC^FS^LH0,000^FS^BY3,,180^FX Logo declaration and content~DGE:icon2,01088,017..."


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK OK ExternalLabelResponseDTO
400 Bad Request Invalid Input None
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized None
404 Not Found Shipment not found None
500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error None

Return labels for depot

This API is used to print return label using parcel number for all parcels that are coming through a depot

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}'

GET /depotlabels/return-label


Name In Type Mandatory Description
Authorization header string Yes JWT Access Token
labelSize query string(2) No Label paper size, can be "A4" or "A6". If it's empty, use default value as "A4".
parcelNumber query string(14) Yes Parcel number. Label of shipment of input parcel will be returned.
printFormat query string(3) Conditional Format of printed label. Value can be "pdf" or "zpl". If saveMode is "printed" and this field is empty, use default value as "pdf".
depotId query long Yes Depot ID in DPD Shipping.
dpi query long No DPI value for ZPL label, can be 300 or 203. Defaults to 203 if missing or invalid.

Example responses

200 Response

    "transactionId": 4390,
    "pdfFile": "^XA^MSY^PRC^FS^LH0,000^FS^BY3,,180^FX Logo declaration and content~DGE:icon2,01088,017...",


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK OK ExternalLabelResponseReturnLabelDTO
400 Bad Request Invalid Input None
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized None
404 Not Found Shipment not found None
500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error None

Pickup Order

Create pickup order

This API is used to create a pickup order for multiple shipments in DPD shipping system.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}' \
  --data-raw '{{body}}'

POST /pickup

Body parameter

  "buCode": "021",
  "customerId": "Duyenbth",
  "pickupOrder": {
    "additionalInfo": "string",
    "contactEmail": "string",
    "contactName": "string",
    "contactPhone": "string",
    "contactPhonePrefix": "string",
    "externalPickupAddressId": 0,
    "fromTime": "string",
    "internalPickupAddressId": 0,
    "parcelCount": 0,
    "pickupDate": "string",
    "shipmentIds": [
    "toTime": "string",
    "totalWeight": 0


Name In Type Mandatory Description
Authorization header string Yes JWT Access Token
body body ExternalPickupOrderRequestDTO Yes Request Body

Example responses

200 Response


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Successfully create pickup order ExternalPickupOrderResponseDTO
401 Unauthorized You are not authorized to view the resource None
500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error None

Cancel pickup order

This API is used to set status of pickup order as "Cancelled".

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X PUT{id} \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}' \
  --data-raw '{{body}}'

PUT /pickup/cancel/{id}

Body parameter

  "buCode": "021",
  "customerId": "Duyenbth"


Name In Type Mandatory Description
Authorization header string Yes JWT Access Token
id path string Yes Pickup order ID in DPD Shipping.
body body ExternalCustomerId Yes Request Body

Example responses

200 Response


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Successfully cancel pickup order ExternalPickupOrderResponseDTO
401 Unauthorized You are not authorized to view the resource None
404 Not Found Pickup order ID not found None
500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error None

Collection Request

This API is used to retrieve list of collection requests.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --header 'Authorization: {{access_token}}' 

GET /collections

Filter options





type string No Collection Request type, can be one of the following values: "Import", "Export" or "Domestic" (case insensitive); one parameter in filter options must be mandatory.
buCode string(3) Conditional

BU Code of the user who do the search. This parameter is need to specify the type of data want to be searched.

Must be mandatory in case [type] is used as a filter option.

requestingCountryCode string(3) No

Requesting country code, allow to input alpha code-2, alpha code-3 and numeric code-3; one parameter in filter options must be mandatory.

  • If this param is inputted, then search collection request with requesting country = inputted country, AND (Requesting BU = assigned BUs or Collecting BU = assigned BUs).
  • If this param is left empty, then search collection request with requesting country is all countries, AND (Requesting BU = assigned BUs or Collecting BU = assigned BUs).
collectingCountryCode string(3) No

Collecting country code, allow to input alpha code-2, alpha code-3 and numeric code-3; one parameter in filter options must be mandatory.

  • If this param is inputted, then search collection request with collecting country = inputted country, AND (Requesting BU = assigned BUs or Collecting BU = assigned BUs).
  • If this param is left empty, then search collection request with collecting country is all countries, AND (Requesting BU = assigned BUs or Collecting BU = assigned BUs).
  • If both requestingCountryCode and collectingCountryCode are left empty, then search all collection requests that have (Requesting BU = assigned BUs or Collecting BU = assigned BUs).
oDepot string(7) No

Requesting depot code; one parameter in filter options must be mandatory.

If this param is inputted different value from depots of assigned BU(s), then only provide search results of all CRs that have Collecting BU = assigned BU(s) of the user. It means, the search will be:

  • oDepot = inputted depot
  • AND Collecting BU = assigned BU(s) of user
sDepot string(7) No

Collecting depot code; one parameter in filter options must be mandatory.

If this param is inputted different value from depots of assigned BU(s), then only provide search results of all CRs that have Requesting BU = assigned BU(s) of the user. It means, the search will be:

  • sDepot = inputted depot
  • AND Requesting BU = assigned BU(s) of user
fromRequestDate date(8) No

Range start of collection request creation date, format YYYYMMDD; one parameter in filter options must be mandatory.

If this param is inputted value but toRequestDate is left empty, then provide search results of all collection requests from the inputted date. 

toRequestDate date(8) No

Range end of collection request creation date, format YYYYMMDD; one parameter in filter options must be mandatory.

If this param is inputted value but fromRequestDate is left empty, then provide search results of all collection requests up to the inputted date. 

fromPickupDate date(8) No

Range start of collection date (aka pickup date) of the collection request, format YYYYMMDD; one parameter in filter options must be mandatory.

If this param is inputted value but toPickupDate is left empty, then provide search results of all collection requests from the inputted date. 

toPickupDate date(8) No

Range end of collection date of the collection request, format YYYYMMDD; one parameter in filter options must be mandatory.

If this param is inputted value but fromPickupDate is left empty, then provide search results of all collection requests up to the inputted date. 

requestorId string(10) No Customer ID of requestor; one parameter in filter options must be mandatory.
status string No

Collection Request status, can be one of the following values: "Created", "Sent", "Accepted", "Ready for collection", "Collected", "Not Collected", "Failed", "Cancelled", "Rejected by Requesting BU", or "Rejected by Collecting BU" (case insensitive); one parameter in filter options must be mandatory.

subStatus string No

Collection Request sub-status, can be one of the following values:

0: To be Cancelled

1: Cancellation Rejected


Name In Type Mandatory Description
Authorization header string Yes JWT Access Token
filter query string No filter format, the condition is AND between filters.
limit query string No Limit the number of collection requests in output. If it's not inputted, use default value as "100".
offset query string No The page of returned collection request if limit is inputted. If it's not inputted, use default value as "0".

Example responses

200 Response

    "transactionId": 1874,
    "errors": [
            "errorCode": "0",
            "errorText": "Success",
            "errorField": null
    "totalCR": 575,
    "collectionRequests": [
            "collectionRequestId": 220,
            "orderNumber": "000190",
            "requestor": {
                "name": "FPT Anh",
                "name2": "",
                "countryCode": "PL",
                "zipCode": "00001",
                "city": "Reguły",
                "street": "Aleje Jerozolimskie",
                "houseNo": "",
                "contactName": "a",
                "contactPhonePrefix": "+48",
                "contactPhone": "33456777",
                "contactEmail": "",
                "requestorId": "3243"
            "sender": {
                "name": "a1",
                "countryCode": "CZ",
                "zipCode": "11407",
                "city": "New Town",
                "street": "Václavské náměstí",
                "houseNo": "79",
                "flatNo": "",
                "contactMobilePrefix": "+420",
                "contactMobile": "434434344",
                "contactPhonePrefix": "+420",
                "contactPhone": "434434344",
                "contactFax": ""
            "receiver": {
                "name": "a2",
                "countryCode": "PL",
                "zipCode": "00001",
                "city": "Warszawa",
                "street": "aleja Jana Pawła II",
                "houseNo": "",
                "contactMobile": "",
                "contactPhone": "",
                "contactFax": "",
                "contactEmail": ""
            "services": {
                "mainServiceCode": "337",
                "additionalServices": {
                    "predicts": [
                            "type": "SMS",
                            "destinationType": "Consignor",
                            "destination": "(+420) 434434344",
                            "trigger": "Pick-up",
                            "language": "FR"
                            "type": "EMAIL",
                            "destinationType": "Consignee",
                            "destination": "",
                            "trigger": "Pick-up",
                            "language": "FR"
                    "pudo": {
                        "name": "Świat Alkoholi",
                        "countryCode": "PL",
                        "zipCode": "00148",
                        "city": "WARSZAWA",
                        "street": "Al. Jana Pawła II",
                        "houseNo": "46/48P",
                        "address2": "",
                        "address3": "",
                        "pudoId": "PL15123"
            "mpsid": "00640000003010",
            "parcelCount": 1,
            "parcelResults": [
                    "parcelId": 627,
                    "parcelNumber": "00640000003010",
                    "weight": 1.0,
                    "dimensionWidth": 2,
                    "dimensionHeight": 3,
                    "dimensionLength": 4,
                    "codAmount": 0.0,
                    "insuranceAmount": 0.0,
                    "limitedQuantity": false
            "routing": {
                "buCode": "021",
                "buAlphaStr": "DPD",
                "networkCode": "616",
                "partnerCode": "",
                "barcodeId": "%",
                "serviceText": "D-B2C-PSD",
                "serviceMark": "",
                "version": "19110406",
                "soCode": "337",
                "osort": "",
                "dsort": "41B",
                "csort": "",
                "ddepotCountry": "PL",
                "ddepot": "0211348",
                "ddepotStr": "1348",
                "ssort": "WA2"
            "depot": {
                "companyName": "Direct Parcel Distribution (CZ) s.r",
                "street": "K Hornim Pocernicim 213/1",
                "cityName": "Praha",
                "phone": "",
                "fax": "",
                "propNo": "",
                "sdepot": "0151396"
            "pickUpDate": "20200116",
            "ref1": "1",
            "status": "3"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Message is responded based on validation result of request. ExternalCollectionSearchResponseDTO
401 Unauthorized User (token) does not have permission. None
403 Forbidden User (token) does not have permission. None
500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error None

Collection request creation

This API is used to create one or more new Collection Requests with parcel and products in DPD Shipping system.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --header 'Authorization: {{access_token}}' \
  --data-raw '{{body}}'

POST /collections

Body parameter

    "requestorId": "Duyenbth",
    "buCode": "032",
    "collectionRequests": [
            "numOrder": 1,
            "sender": {
                "additionalAddressInfo": "additionalAddressInfo",
                "address2": "address2",
                "address3": "address3",
                "city": "Warsaw",
                "companyName": "companyName",
                "companyName2": "companyName2",
                "contactEmail": "",
                "contactFax": "12",
                "contactFaxPrefix": "12",
                "contactInterphoneName": "1212",
                "contactMobile": "212",
                "contactMobilePrefix": "1",
                "contactName": "Loc",
                "contactPhone": "233",
                "contactPhonePrefix": "84",
                "countryCode": "PL",
                "department": "CT4C",
                "doorCode": "310",
                "flatNo": "CT4",
                "floor": "3",
                "houseNo": "C",
                "name": "Sender Loc",
                "name2": "Loc2",
                "street": "Phuc La",
                "zipCode": "02776"
            "receiver": {
                "additionalAddressInfo": "additionalAddressInfo",
                "address2": "address2",
                "address3": "address3",
                "city": "Warsaw",
                "companyName": "companyName",
                "companyName2": "companyName2",
                "contactEmail": "",
                "contactFax": "12",
                "contactFaxPrefix": "12",
                "contactInterphoneName": "1212",
                "contactMobile": "212",
                "contactMobilePrefix": "1",
                "contactName": "Loc",
                "contactPhone": "233",
                "contactPhonePrefix": "84",
                "countryCode": "PL",
                "department": "CT4C",
                "doorCode": "310",
                "flatNo": "CT4",
                "floor": "3",
                "houseNo": "C",
                "name": "Thien",
                "name2": "Loc2",
                "street": "Phuc La",
                "zipCode": "02776"
            "parcel": {
                "dimensionHeight": 11.11,
                "dimensionLength": 12.11,
                "dimensionWidth": 23.11,
                "weight": 99
            "service": {
                "mainServiceCode": "",
                "mainServiceElementCodes": [
            "ref1": "ref1",
            "ref2": "ref2",
            "ref3": "ref3",
            "ref4": "ref4",
            "compInfo1": "compInfo1",
            "compInfo2": "compInfo2",


Name In Type Mandatory Description
Authorization header string Yes JWT Access Token
body body ExternalCollectionRequestInputDTO Yes Request Body

Example responses

200 Response

    "transactionId": 1869,
    "collectionRequestResults": [
            "numOrder": 1,
            "collectionRequestId": 2941,
            "collectionRequestStatus": "READY_FOR_COLLECTION",
            "orderNumber": 2023,
            "parcelNumber": "00980000000012"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Accept request partially. Message is responded based on validation result of each collection request object. ExternalCollectionRequestOutputDTO
401 Unauthorized User (token) does not have permission. None
403 Forbidden User (token) does not have permission. None
500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error None

Collection request cancellation

This API is used to cancel a list of Collection Request.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X PUT \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --header 'Authorization: {{access_token}}' \
  --data-raw '{{body}}'

PUT /collections/cancel

Body parameter

    "customerId": "Duyenbth",
    "buCode": "032",
    "collectionRequestList": [2943]


Name In Type Mandatory Description
Authorization header string Yes JWT Access Token
body body ExternalCollectionCancelRequestDTO Yes Request Body

Example responses

200 Response

    "transactionId": 1881,
    "crCancelResultList": [
            "errors": [
                    "errorCode": "0",
                    "errorContent": "Success"
            "collectionRequestId": 2943


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Accept request partially. Message is responded based on validation result of each collection request. ExternalCollectionCancelOutputDTO
401 Unauthorized User (token) does not have permission. None
403 Forbidden User (token) does not have permission. None
500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error None

Collection request status update

This API is used to update status of Collection Request.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --header 'Authorization: {{access_token}}' \
  --data-raw '{{body}}'

POST /collections/updateStatus

Body parameter

  "buCode": "032",
  "collectionRequestUpdates": [
      "collectionRequestId": 2941,
      "status": 4,
      "pickupDate": "20210714",
      "mpsid": "",
      "parcelInfoList": [
          "parcelId": 1,
          "parcelNumber": "00980000000012",
          "parcelWeight": null,
          "parcelDimensionWidth": 11.11,
          "parcelDimensionHeight": 12.11,
          "parcelDimensionLength": 13.11


Name In Type Mandatory Description
Authorization header string Yes JWT Access Token
body body ExternalUpdateCollectionRequestInputDTO Yes Request Body

Example responses

200 Response

    "transactionId": 1878,
    "crUpdateResults": [
            "errors": [
                    "errorCode": "0",
                    "errorContent": "Success"
            "collectionRequestId": 2941


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Accept request. ExternalCollectionUpdateOutputDTO
401 Unauthorized Invalid Auth token. None
403 Forbidden User (token) does not have permission. None
500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error None

Georouting webservices

Validate city

This API is used to validate a city name matches to a country code.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
  -H 'Accept: */*'

GET /routing/city-validation


Name In Type Mandatory Description
cityName query string(35) Yes Name of inputted City.
countryCode query string(2) Yes Code of inputted Country with length = 2 (e.g. LV, FR,...).

Example responses

200 Response

    "statusCode": "OK"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Valid city NstResponseDTO
400 Bad Request Invalid city None
401 Unauthorized You are not authorized to view the resource None
403 Forbidden Accessing the resource you were trying to reach is forbidden None
404 Not Found The resource you were trying to reach is not found None

Get city by Country code and Postal code

This API is used to get list of cities based on country code and postal code.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
  -H 'Accept: */*'

GET /routing/get-city


Name In Type Mandatory Description
countryCode query string(2) Yes Code of inputted Country with length = 2 (e.g. LV, FR,...).
postcode query string(9) Yes Post code with max-length = 9, accept only 0-9A-Z.

Example responses

200 Response

    "countryCode": "PL",
    "beginPostCode": "62262",
    "endPostCode": "62262",
    "cityNameEnglish": "FALKOWO",
    "cityNameLocal": "FAŁKOWO",
    "stateCode": "",
    "cityNameLocalLang": "PL"

400 Response

    "messages": [
            "code": "IV106",
            "content": "Input validation postal code not matching with destination country postcode pattern",
            "messageType": "ERROR"
    "statusCode": "BAD_REQUEST"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Successfully get city CityDTO
400 Bad Request Invalid city NstResponseDTO
401 Unauthorized You are not authorized to view the resource None
403 Forbidden Accessing the resource you were trying to reach is forbidden None
404 Not Found The resource you were trying to reach is not found None

Validate Postcode

This API is used to validate postcode based on inputted country code.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
  -H 'Accept: */*'

GET /routing/postcode-validation


Name In Type Mandatory Description
countryCode query string(2) Yes Code of inputted Country with length = 2 (e.g. LV, FR,...).
postcode query string(9) Yes Post code with max-length = 9, accept only 0-9A-Z.

Example responses

200 Response

    "statusCode": "OK"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Valid Postcode NstResponseDTO
400 Bad Request Invalid Postcode None
401 Unauthorized You are not authorized to view the resource None
403 Forbidden Accessing the resource you were trying to reach is forbidden None
404 Not Found The resource you were trying to reach is not found None

Select Product

This API is used to get all possible products to a specified destination country and postcode.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
  -H 'Accept: */*'

GET /routing/product-selection


Name In Type Mandatory Description
asCode query string(6) No Additional service code. Three characters to start then up to 6 characters (RFU).
cityName query string(35) No Name of inputted City
dCountry query string(2) Yes Destination country. The destination country is the country where the parcel is to be sent.
dDepot query string(7) No Destination depot: should always be the depot of delivery or the last known Geopost depot, even if the franchisee /partner uses an alien system.
dNetwork query string(3) No Destination network code. Optionally when a parcel needs to be re-routed. This parameter can be used also when we want to force the destination network.
dPostCode query string(9) Yes Destination postal code. The postal code of the location where the parcel is to be sent.
date query string(8) No Date of routing. The date when the parcel was routed.
elementCodes query string(128) Yes Elements are describing the service characteristics: Sorting, additional or non operational service element code.
exactMatchOnElements query boolean No None
oDepot query string(7) Yes oDepot/tradeStatus
soCode query string(3) No GeoPost Service Code / GeoPost Sorting Code. The sorting code must be used as an input parameter to determine where to route the parcel and if the service is allowed.
subCode query string(2) No The last 2 digits of the injection code. The sub code identifies a special routing case of a depot, when the origin routing should not be based on the ODEPOT
tradeStatus query string(1) No Trade status. The status of the customs clearance.

Example responses

200 Response

    "data": [
            "soCode": "400",
            "asCode": "A17",
            "odgroup": "",
            "ddgroup": "",
            "zdPostCode": "01001",
            "buCode": "021",
            "soCodeElements": [
            "asCodeElements": [
    "statusCode": "OK"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Successfully select Product NstResponseDTO_List_ProductSelectionRouteResponseDTO
401 Unauthorized You are not authorized to view the resource None
403 Forbidden Accessing the resource you were trying to reach is forbidden None
404 Not Found The resource you were trying to reach is not found None

Calculate Route

This API is used to calculate the route, means the information necessary to sort the parcel at different phases of the transport chain from sending depot to delivery. This information is printed on the GeoPost label.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
  -H 'Accept: */*'

GET /routing/route-calculation


Name In Type Mandatory Description
asCode query string(6) No Additional service code. Three characters to start then up to 6 characters (RFU).
cityName query string(35) No Name of inputted City
dCountry query string(2) Yes Destination country. The destination country is the country where the parcel is to be sent.
dDepot query string(7) No Destination depot: should always be the depot of delivery or the last known Geopost depot, even if the franchisee /partner uses an alien system.
dNetwork query string(3) No Destination network code. Optionally when a parcel needs to be re-routed. This parameter can be used also when we want to force the destination network.
dPostCode query string(9) Yes Destination postal code. The postal code of the location where the parcel is to be sent.
date query string(8) No Date of routing. The date when the parcel was routed.
oDepot query string(7) Yes oDepot/tradeStatus
soCode query string(3) Yes GeoPost Service Code / GeoPost Sorting Code. The sorting code must be used as an input parameter to determine where to route the parcel and if the service is allowed
subCode query string(2) No The last 2 digits of the injection code. The sub code identifies a special routing case of a depot, when the origin routing should not be based on the ODEPOT.
tradeStatus query string(1) No Trade status. The status of the customs clearance.

Example responses

200 Response

    "data": {
        "buCode": "021",
        "networkCode": "616",
        "dCountry": "PL",
        "dDepotCountry": "PL",
        "dDepot": "0211349",
        "dDepotStr": "1349",
        "sSort": "WA3",
        "partnerCode": "",
        "oSort": "WA3",
        "cSort": "",
        "dSort": "WO10",
        "barcodeId": "%",
        "serviceText": "D",
        "serviceMark": "",
        "version": "21070504",
        "barcodePostcode": "0001001",
        "warningList": [],
        "buAlphaStr": "DPD"
    "statusCode": "OK"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Successfully calculate Route NstResponseDTO_RouteResultDTO
401 Unauthorized You are not authorized to view the resource None
403 Forbidden Accessing the resource you were trying to reach is forbidden None
404 Not Found The resource you were trying to reach is not found None

Calculate Route with Elements

This API is used to calculate the information of routing with element.

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
  -H 'Accept: */*'

GET /routing/route-calculation-with-element


Name In Type Mandatory Description
cityName query string(35) No Name of inputted City.
dCountry query string(2) Yes Destination country. The destination country is the country where the parcel is to be sent.
dNetwork query string(3) No Destination network code. Optionally when a parcel needs to be re-routed. This parameter can be used also when we want to force the destination network.
dPostCode query string(9) Yes Destination postal code. The postal code of the location where the parcel is to be sent.
date query string(8) No Date of routing. The date when the parcel was routed.
elementCodes query string(128) Yes Elements are describing the service characteristics: Sorting, additional or non operational service element code.
oDepot query string(7) Yes oDepot/tradeStatus
subCode query string(2) No The last 2 digits of the injection code. The sub code identifies a special routing case of a depot, when the origin routing should not be based on the ODEPOT.
tradeStatus query string(1) No Trade status. The status of the customs clearance.

Example responses

200 Response

    "data": {
        "buCode": "021",
        "networkCode": "616",
        "dCountry": "PL",
        "dDepotCountry": "PL",
        "dDepot": "0211349",
        "dDepotStr": "1349",
        "sSort": "WA3",
        "partnerCode": "",
        "oSort": "WA3",
        "cSort": "",
        "dSort": "WO10",
        "barcodeId": "%",
        "serviceText": "D",
        "serviceMark": "",
        "version": "21070504",
        "barcodePostcode": "0001001",
        "warningList": [],
        "soCode": "101",
        "asCode": "",
        "buAlphaStr": "DPD"
    "statusCode": "OK"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Successfully calculate Route with Elements NstResponseDTO_RouteResultDTO
401 Unauthorized You are not authorized to view the resource None
403 Forbidden Accessing the resource you were trying to reach is forbidden None
404 Not Found The resource you were trying to reach is not found None

Calculate Collection Route

This API is used to calculate the Routing information for Collection request

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
  -H 'Accept: */*'

GET /routing/route-collection-calculation


Name In Type Mandatory Description
asCode query string(6) No Additional service code. Three characters to start then up to 6 characters (RFU).
collectingBu query string(3) No Collecting Business Unit Code.
collectingCity query string(35) No City name of Collecting BU.
collectingCountry query string(2) Yes Alpha-2 Country code of Collecting BU (e.g. LV, FR,...).
collectingPostCode query string(9) Yes Post code of Collecting BU with max-length = 9, accept only 0-9A-Z
collectionDate query string(8) Yes Date of collection
deliveryCityName query string(35) No Deliver Collection request to this City Name.
deliveryCountry query string(2) Yes Deliver Collection request to this Country Code (e.g. LV, FR,...).
deliveryNetwork query string(3) No Delivery network code.
deliveryPostCode query string(9) Yes Deliver Collection request to this Post Code.
requestingBu query string(3) Yes Requesting Business Unit Code.
requestingCountry query string(2) Yes Alpha-2 Country code of Requesting BU (e.g. LV, FR,...).
soCode query string(3) Yes GeoPost Service Code / GeoPost Sorting Code. The sorting code must be used as an input parameter to determine where to route the parcel and if the service is allowed.
subCode query string(2) No The last 2 digits of the injection code. The sub code identifies a special routing case of a depot, when the origin routing should not be based on the ODEPOT.
tradeStatus query string(1) No Trade status. The status of the customs clearance.

Example responses

200 Response

    "data": {
        "collectionData": {
            "collectingDepot": "0211349",
            "collectingBu": "021",
            "workingDayDate": "2021-03-10T23:00:00.000+00:00",
            "warningList": []
        "routeResult": {
            "buCode": "021",
            "networkCode": "616",
            "dCountry": "PL",
            "dDepotCountry": "PL",
            "dDepot": "0211349",
            "dDepotStr": "1349",
            "sSort": "WA3",
            "partnerCode": "",
            "oSort": "WA3",
            "cSort": "",
            "dSort": "WO10",
            "barcodeId": "%",
            "serviceText": "D",
            "serviceMark": "",
            "version": "20110201",
            "barcodePostcode": "0001001",
            "warningList": [],
            "buAlphaStr": "DPD"
    "statusCode": "OK"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Successfully calculate Collection Route NstResponseDTO_CrCollectionAndRouteResultDTO
401 Unauthorized You are not authorized to view the resource None
403 Forbidden Accessing the resource you were trying to reach is forbidden None
404 Not Found The resource you were trying to reach is not found None


# Message Code Screen Message Description
0 Success Create/update/delete object successfully without any error via web service.
1 MSG1 All This field is required. - Type = Error Message - Inline
- Message prompts if any field marked with asterisk left blank when user does action such as Lost focus, Submit, Save, etc.
2 MSG2 All Please enter a valid email address. - Type = Error Message - Inline
- Message prompts if user loses focus on the email textbox and inputted email address has not been matched with acceptable formats.
3 MSG3 All Please enter a valid prefix for provided country. - Type = Error Message - Inline
- Message prompts if user loses focus on the phone textbox with empty or invalid phone prefix.
4 MSG4 Service Selection - COD section Max COD amount per parcel is <max amount>. - Type: Error Message - Inline
- Message prompts if user inputs amount greater than COD max amount value.
5 MSG5 Enter Shipment Details The total COD amount should be equal <COD amount> <Currency>. - Type = Error Message - Popup
- Message prompts if total of parcel COD amount is not equal the previous COD amount inputted in the Service Selection screen.
- Button [OK]
6 MSG6 Service Selection - Predict section Must select at least one option: Email or SMS. - Type = Error Message - Inline in Predict section
- Message prompts if user does not choose any option when Predict service is selected.
7 MSG7 Enter Shipment Details Maximum number of parcels is <maximum value>. - Type = Error Message - Inline
- Message prompts if total of Count and number of existing parcels is greater than maximum allowed parcels for MPS shipment configured per BU.
8 MSG8 Create shipment - Simple mode Must add at least one parcel. - Type = Error Message - Popup
- Message prompts if there is no parcel added when clicking on [Create] button.
- Button: [OK]
9 MSG9 Summary Shipment One of selected services is not allowed for entered sender/receiver addresses. - Type = Error Message - Popup
- The message prompts if element code of the product is not allowed between shipping and receiving country.
- Button: [OK]
10 MSG10 All <Object> is created successfully. - Type = Success Message - Popup
- Message prompts if data created and saved to DB successfully.
- <Object> can be Shipment, Product, User,....
- Button [OK]
11 MSG11 Login Login failed! Please check your username/email, password and try again. - Type = Error Message - Inline
- Message prompts if user login with invalid username/email or/and password.
12 MSG12 All Only numeric characters allowed. - Type = Error Message - Inline
- Message prompts if user inputs other characters than numeric into textbox or text area which allow data type numeric and loses focus.
13 MSG13 Create Password, Recover Password, User Profile Please enter a valid password: Minimum eight characters; at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one special character. - Type = Error Message - Inline
- Message prompts if user doesn't input correct format of [Password] field and loses focus.
14 MSG14 Create Password, Recover Password, User Profile Confirm Password must match Password. - Type = Error Message - Inline
- Message prompts if user inputs Confirm password does not match with password.
15 MSG15 All Only alphanumeric characters allowed. - Type = Error Message - Inline
- Message prompts if user inputs other characters than alphanumeric into textbox or text area which allow data type alphanumeric and loses focus.
19 MSG19 All Must be between <minlength> and <maxlength> characters. - Type = Error Message - Inline
- Message prompts if user inputs less than min length or over max length of specific field.
21 MSG21 All Must be exact <length> characters. - Type = Error Message - Inline
- Message prompts if user inputs characters different from exact length of specific field.
- Can be used in the future for [Element code] field.
22 MSG22 All Allow up to <maxlength> characters. - Type = Error Message - Inline
- Message prompts if user inputs over max length of specific field (this field does not has min length).
23 MSG23 All Are you sure you want to delete this <Object>? - Type = Confirmation Message - Popup
- Message prompts if user clicks Delete icon of an item.
- 2 buttons: [Yes], [No]
- Based on screen, <Object> can be Product, User, Customer,...
24 MSG24 All <Object> is deleted successfully. - Type = Success Message - Popup
- Message prompts after an item is deleted successfully from user's view.
- Button: [OK]
- Based on screen, <Object> can be Product, User, Customer,...
25 MSG25 All <Object> is saved successfully. - Type = Success Message - Popup
- Message prompts after data saved after modified an item.
- Button: [OK]
- Based on screen, <Object> can be Product, User, Customer, Element,...
26 MSG26 All All changes will be discarded. Are you sure you want to proceed? - Type = Confirmation Message - Popup
- Message prompts if user cancels, closes or changes screen without saving data while modifying or creating an item.
- 2 button: [Yes], [No]
27 MSG27 Product Configuration Data not found! - Type = Error Message - Popup
- Message prompts if user adds not existing language, element, product.
- Button: [OK]
28 MSG28 Product Configuration Data is duplicate! - Type = Error Message - Popup
- Message prompts if user adds a duplicate language, element or product.
- Button: [OK]
29 MSG29 All <Object> has to be unique. - Type = Error Message - Popup
- Message prompts if user adds an existing value of an item that requires to be unique.
- Button: [OK]
30 MSG30 Product Configuration Have to select at least 1 element! - Type = Error Message - Popup
- Message prompts if user does not select any element when creating a product.
- Button: [OK]
31 MSG31 Reset Password A reset password link has been sent to your email account successfully.

Please click on the link that has been sent to your email account to reset the password.
- Type = Success message - Popup
- Message prompts if successfully sending a reset password email to user's email account in case of recovery password.
- Button: [OK]
32 MSG32 Any screen that has [Find Address] to search address No suggestion found! - Type = Warning Message
- Message prompts if system cannot find any matching address that contains inputted value. Use for searching address through Google Place API only.
- Display in [Find Address]'s suggestion dropdown.
33 MSG33 User List User ID has reached its maximum value. You cannot create another user. - Type = Error Message - Popup
- Message prompts if user ID reaches its maximum values and it is not possible to create a new user.
- Button: [OK]
35 MSG35 Change Your Password Please enter a valid current password! - Type = Error Message - Inline
- Message prompts if User clicks Change Password button with incorrect old password inputted
36 MSG36 Shipment List Are you sure you want to delete / cancel shipment <ID>? - Type = Confirmation Message - Popup
- Message prompts if user deletes / cancels selected shipment(s).
- 2 button: [Yes], [No]
37 MSG37 Shipment List Cannot create order!

You must select only printed shipments before creating pickup order.
- Type = Error Message - Popup
- Message prompts if user selects printed and draft and/or with pickup shipments to create pickup order.
- Button: [OK]
38 MSG38 PUDO Selection Required to select PUDO point. - Type = Error Message - Inline
- Message prompts if user does not select PUDO point on the map when selecting PUDO.
39 MSG39 Force Reset Password An e-mail with instructions to reset password has been sent to user. - Type = Success message - Popup
- Message prompts if successfully sending a reset password email to user's email account in case of Force to reset password.
- Button: [OK]
41 MSG41 Shipment List Cannot create order!

You must select shipments with the same pickup address before creating pickup order.
- Type = Error Message - Popup
- Message prompts if user selects shipments having different pickup addresses.
- Button: [OK]
42 MSG42 Enter Consignee Address

Confirm Summary Shipment/Collection Request
Cannot create <Object>!

No service available with current sender and consignee information.
- Type = Error Message - Popup
- Message prompts if system could not find any service available between shipping and receiving country. 
- <Object> is shipment or collection request. 
- Button: [OK]
43 MSG43 Shipment List The shipment and included pickup order will be cancelled. Do you want to continue? - Type = Confirmation Message - Popup
- Message prompts if user cancels selected shipment(s) which is the last shipment of a pickup order.
- 2 button: [Yes], [No]
44 MSG44 Shipment List The shipment is cancelled but included pickup order is not allowed to cancel. Please contact DPD! - Type = Information Message - Popup
- Message prompts if the pickup order is cancelled on the same day with pickup date.
- Button: [OK]
45 MSG45 Address Book Have to select at least 1 address type! - Type = Error message - Inline
- Message prompts if user adds or saves address without any address type is selected.
47 MSG47 PUDO Selection Cannot search in a different country from receiver country! - Type = Error message - Popup
- Message prompts if user selects to search a location in a different country from receiver country in PUDO Selection screen.
- Button: [OK]
48 MSG48 Collection Request List The collection request is not allowed to cancel. Please contact DPD! - Type = Error message - Popup
- Message prompts if the collection request is cancelled on the same day with collection date.
- Button: [OK]
49 MSG49 Collection Request List Are you sure you want to cancel Collection Request <ID>?

Cancel Reason Description:

Text box: to input cancel reason description.
- Type = Confirmation Message - Popup
- Message prompts if user cancels selected collection request.
- 2 button: [Yes], [No]
50 MSG50 Log In Your account is inactive. Please check your inbox! - Type = Error message - Inline
- Message prompts if user is unable to login due to being forced to reset password.
52 MSG52 Summary Shipment, Shipment Details_draft Shipment is created but cannot create Pickup Order. - Type = Error message - Popup
- Message prompts if successfully created shipment but cannot create quick pickup order due to technical errors.
- Button: [OK]
53 MSG53 Summary Shipment, Shipment Details_draft Shipment not found! - Type = Error message - Popup
- Message prompts if unable to find successfully created shipment in order to create quick pickup order due to technical errors.
- Button: [OK]
54 MSG54 Customer Configuration,

Shipment Details
Depot No. is invalid. - Type = Error message - Inline
- Message prompts if inputted [Depot No.] is invalid when user clicks on [Add] button on Add Customer Address screen.
55 MSG55 Summary Shipment, Shipment Details_draft, Shipment List MPS is not allowed. - Type = Error message - Popup
- Message prompts if product configuration is changed after being saved in "Draft" status.
- Button: [OK]
56 MSG56 Enter Collection/Receiver address All inputted data will be lost. Do you want to continue? - Type = Confirmation Message - Popup
- Message prompts if select/un-select option [Use Collection Request] in Sender/Receiver Screen of Shipment/Collection Request creation mode while user already entered some shipment/collection request data.
- 2 button: [Yes], [No]
57 MSG57 Shipment List Print label successfully! - Type = Success message - Popup
- Message prompts if user click on [Print label] button for shipments in "Draft", "Printed" or "With pickup" status.
- 2 button: [OK], [Download label]
58 MSG58 Summary Shipment, Shipment List Cannot create quick pickup! 

Shipment is created but NO label is printed.
- Type = Error Message - Popup
- Message prompts if user selects to print label and create quick pickup order at same time.
- Button: [OK]
60 MSG60 Summary Shipment, Shipment Details_draft, Shipment List Product type is not correct. - Type = Error message - Popup
- Message prompts if product configuration is changed after being saved in "Draft" status.
- Button: [OK]
61 MSG61 Summary Shipment, Shipment Details_draft, Shipment List Main Product not found! - Type = Error message - Popup
- Message prompts if product configuration is changed after shipment being saved in "Draft" status.
- Button: [OK]
62 MSG62 Summary Shipment, Shipment Details_draft, Shipment List Required additional product is missing. - Type = Error message - Popup
- Message prompts if product configuration is changed after shipment being saved in "Draft" status.
- Button: [OK]
63 MSG63 Summary Shipment, Shipment Details_draft, Shipment List <Additional product name> is not in the list of selected main product. - Type = Error message - Popup
- Message prompts if product configuration is changed after shipment being saved in "Draft" status.
- Button: [OK]
65 MSG65 Summary Shipment,

Service Selection
Return service is not supported for entered return address. Please enter different return address. - Type = Error message - Popup
- Message prompts if the route cannot be calculated but not the cases of MSG9 or MSG64.
- Button: [OK]
66 MSG66 Summary Shipment, Shipment Details_draft, Shipment List Pickup Address not found! - Type = Error message - Popup
- Message prompts if user configuration is changed and unable to find the selected pickup address after shipment being saved in "Draft" status.
- Button: [OK]
67 MSG67 Customer Configuration Cannot update customer because deleted address is in use. - Type = Error message - Popup
- Message prompts if user selects to update a customer through deletion of an address that is using in a shipment with "Draft" status.
- Button: [OK]
68 MSG68 Sender/Receiver- Use Masked Address Must select a Masked Address Name when Use Masked Address option is checked - Type = Error Message - Inline in Masked Address section
- Message prompts if user does not choose any [Name] of Masked Address Name dropdown list  when Use Masked Address option is checked.
69 MSG69 Activate Account, Expired Link An activation link has been sent to your email account successfully.

Please click on the link that has been sent to your email account to activate account.
- Type = Success message - Popup
- Message prompts if successfully sending an activation email to user's email account in case of requesting a new link for account activation.
- Button: [OK]
70 MSG70 Configure Parcel Range Added range is overlapped with an existing range. - Type = Error Message - Popup
- Message prompts if there is any interval overlapped between the added range with the existing active ranges.
- Button: [OK]
71 MSG71 Configure Parcel Range Range End should be equal to or greater than Range Start. - Type = Error Message - Popup
- Message prompts if Range End is not equal to or greater than Range Start.
- Button: [OK]
72 MSG72 Configure Parcel Range Are you sure you want to deactivate the selected parcel range? - Type = Confirmation Message - Popup
- Message prompts if user clicks on [Deactivate] icon of selected parcel range.
- 2 button: [Yes], [No]
73 MSG73 Select Pickup Address Have <quantity of remaining parcel number> parcel number(s) available for this pickup address! 

If adding more than <quantity of remaining parcel number> parcel(s), can create draft shipment only.
- Type = Warning Message - Popup
- Message prompts when user clicks on [Next] button and system checks and displays the number of remaining parcel numbers available for the selected pickup address.
- Button: [OK]
74 MSG74 Summary Shipment, Shipment Details_draft, Shipment List Can create draft shipment only!

Insufficient parcel number to print label. Please contact DPD!
- Type = Error message - Popup
- Message prompts if user selects to print label but the amount of available parcel numbers of selected pickup address is smaller than the amount of parcels of the shipment. Thus, unable to print label. 
- Button: [OK]
75 MSG75 Role List Cannot delete role <Role Name> because it is in use. - Type = Error message - Popup
- Message prompts if user selects to delete a role which is already granted to at least 1 user.
- Button: [OK]
76 MSG76 Import File, Add Pattern The upload file size exceeds size limit of 10MB. - Type = Error message - Inline
- Message prompts if user drop or browse a file > 10MB.
77 MSG77 Import File, Add Pattern The type of uploaded file is different from the type of selected pattern. - Type = Error message - Inline
- Message prompts if user drop or browse a file which has different file type from the file type of pattern.
78 MSG78 Import File, Add Pattern Are you sure you want to cancel file import process? - Type = Confirmation message - Popup
- Message prompts if user clicks [Cancel] button while importing file.
- Button: [Yes][No]
79 MSG79 Import File, Add Pattern Insufficient parcel number to print label for imported shipments.

Do you want to continue to import shipments as draft?
- Type = Error message - Popup
- Message prompts if user selects to print label but the amount of available parcel numbers of selected pickup address is smaller than the amount of parcels of the shipment. 
- Button: [Yes], [No]
80 MSG80 Import File, Add Pattern Import process is in progress. An email will be sent to your email address when the import process is completed. - Type = Information message - Popup
- Message prompts after user clicks [Import] button on Import File pop-up.
- Button: [OK]
81 MSG81 Import File, Add Pattern File upload failed. Please try again. - Type = Error message - Inline
- Message prompts if file is uploaded failed from client to server.
82 MSG82 File Import & History The date range must be equal to or less than 30 days. - Type = Error message - Inline in Search Option section
- Message prompts if user searches File Import History with date range > 30 days.
83 MSG83 Add Pattern All mandatory dataset fields must be mapped or has a static value. Missing mapping in the following tabs: <Tab 1>, <Tab2>, <Tab3>. - Type = Error message - Pop-up
- Message prompts if user clicks [Save] button when there is at least 1 required dataset field is not mapped or not have static value.
- Button: [OK]
84 MSG84 Shipment List Cannot print shipment <Shipment ID>!

No service available with current sender and consignee information.
- Type = Error Message - Popup
- Message prompts if system could not find any service available between shipping and receiving country. 
- Button: [OK]
85 MSG85 Shipment List Cannot print shipment <Shipment ID>!

MPS is not allowed.
- Type = Error message - Popup
- Message prompts if product configuration is changed after being saved in "Draft" status.
- Button: [OK]
86 MSG86 Shipment List Cannot print shipment <Shipment ID>!

Product type is not correct.
- Type = Error message - Popup
- Message prompts if product configuration is changed after being saved in "Draft" status.
- Button: [OK]
87 MSG87 Shipment List Cannot print shipment <Shipment ID>!

Main Product not found!
- Type = Error message - Popup
- Message prompts if product configuration is changed after shipment being saved in "Draft" status.
- Button: [OK]
88 MSG88 Shipment List Cannot print shipment <Shipment ID>!

Required additional product is missing.
- Type = Error message - Popup
- Message prompts if product configuration is changed after shipment being saved in "Draft" status.
- Button: [OK]
89 MSG89 Shipment List Cannot print shipment <Shipment ID>!

<Additional product name> is not in the list of selected main product.
- Type = Error message - Popup
- Message prompts if product configuration is changed after shipment being saved in "Draft" status.
- Button: [OK]
90 MSG90 Shipment List Cannot print shipment <Shipment ID>!

Return service is not supported for entered return address. Please enter different return address.
- Type = Error message - Popup
- Message prompts if the route cannot be calculated but not the cases of MSG9 or MSG64.
- Button: [OK]
91 MSG91 Shipment List Cannot print shipment <Shipment ID>!

One of selected services is not allowed for entered sender/receiver addresses.
- Type = Error Message - Popup
- The message prompts if element code of the product is not allowed between shipping and receiving country.
- Button: [OK]
92 MSG92 Shipment List Cannot print shipment <Shipment ID>!

Pickup Address not found!
- Type = Error message - Popup
- Message prompts if user configuration is changed and unable to find the selected pickup address after shipment being saved in "Draft" status.
- Button: [OK]
93 MSG93 Shipment List Cannot print shipment <Shipment ID>!

Insufficient parcel number to print label. Please contact DPD!
- Type = Error message - Popup
- Message prompts if user selects to print label but the amount of available parcel numbers of selected pickup address is smaller than the amount of parcels of the shipment. Thus, unable to print label. 
- Button: [OK]
94 MSG94 Add Pattern Column name of the file must be unique. Please correct file and try again. - Type = Error message - Inline
- Message prompts if user drop or browse a file which has at least 2 columns with the same name.
95 MSG95 Add Pattern Name of the following columns exceed <maxlength> characters: Column <order 1>, Column <order 2>. - Type = Error message - Inline
- Message prompts if user drop or browse a file which has column name over 50 characters.
- If message cannot display fully in 1 line, show ... at the end of 1st line and show tool-tip when hover.
96 MSG96 Add Pattern Name of the following columns are empty: Column <order 1>, Column <order 2>. - Type = Error message - Inline
- Message prompts if user drop or browse a file which has empty column name.
- If message cannot display fully in 1 line, show ... at the end of 1st line and show tool-tip when hover.
97 MSG97 Add Pattern Header is missing. - Type = Error message - Inline
- Message prompts if user drop or browse a file which has first row empty if "Has header" option is selected.
98 MSG98 Add Pattern Sample Data cannot be empty for mandatory dataset field. - Type = Error message - Inline
- Message prompts if user drag a CSV field has empty sample data for a mandatory dataset field.
99 MSG99 Add Pattern Mapping or a static value is required for this field. - Type = Error message - Inline
- Message prompts if user clicks [Save] button when dataset field is not mapped or not have static value.
100 MSG100 DPD User List, Customer User List User is blocked successfully. - Type = Success Message - Popup
- The message prompts when an user is blocked successfully.
- Button: [OK]
101 MSG101 DPD User List, Customer User List User is unblocked successfully. - Type = Success Message - Popup
- The message prompts when an user is unblocked successfully.
- Button: [OK]
102 MSG102 Log In Your account is blocked. Please contact DPD! - Type = Error message - Inline
- Message prompts if user is unable to login due to blocked account.
103 MSG103 Upload File Are you sure you want to cancel file pattern saving and import process? - Type = Confirmation message - Popup
- Message prompts if user clicks [Cancel] button while importing file.
- Button: [Yes][No]
104 MSG104 Password Policy Value of <object 1> cannot be greater than value of <object 2>. - Type = Error message - Inline
- Message prompts if user input a value of notify days greater than value of password interval.
105 MSG105 Log out Are you sure you want to log out? - Type = Confirmation message - Popup
- Message prompts if user clicks [Log Out]button
- Button: [Yes][No]
106 MSG106 Log In Your account password is expired. Please reset your password then log in again. - Type = Error message - Pop-up
- Message prompts if user login with expired account (after input correct password).
- Button: [Send password reset link][Cancel] 
107 MSG107 Product List Cannot delete product <Product Name> because it is in use. - Type = Error message - Popup
- Message prompts if user selects to delete a product which is already granted to at least 1 customer.
- Button: [OK]
108 MSG108 Create shipment - Single page All selected services will be cleared along with receiver information. Are you sure you want to proceed? - Type = Confirmation message - Popup
- Message prompts if user clicks [Reset] button of < section if service is selected in <.
- Button: [Yes][No]
109 MSG109 Shipment List One of selected shipment is already cancelled. Cannot print cancelled shipment. - Type = Error message - Popup
- Message prompts if user selects a cancelled shipment to print.
- Button: [OK]
110 MSG110 Product Configuration Have to select at least 1 element type O! - Type = Error Message - Popup
- Message prompts if user does not select any element type O when creating a product, i.e., SWAP additional product.
- Button: [OK]
- To be implemented later.
111 MSG111 Related Customer Selected Customer has already been added. - Type = Confirmation message - Popup
- Message prompts when user clicks [Save] button if Selected Customer has already been added as related customer for current customer user.
- Button: [OK]
112 MSG112 Invalid Customer ID. - Error logged and responded if customer ID does not exist.
113 MSG113 DPD User Configuration Must select at least 1 related customer. - Type = Error Message - Popup
- If no related customer is selected.
- Button: [OK]
114 MSG114 BU List Are you sure you want to deactivate the selected BU? - Type = Confirmation Message - Popup
- Message prompts if user clicks on [Deactivate] icon of selected BU.
- 2 button: [Yes], [No]
115 MSG115 BU List Are you sure you want to activate the selected BU? - Type = Confirmation Message - Popup
- Message prompts if user clicks on [Activate] icon of selected BU.
- 2 button: [Yes], [No]
116 MSG116 Create shipment - Simple mode Must add at least one parcel. - Type = Error Message - Popup
- Message prompts if there is no parcel added when clicking on [Create] button.
- Button: [OK]
117 MSG117 Additional product configuration Related Service Type is not compatible with Required Additional Product. - Type = Error Message - Popup
- Message prompts if [Related Service Type] it is not compatible with current [Required Additional Products] when click on [Save] button.
- Button: [OK]
118 MSG118 Product Settings Conflict with products:

- <product 1>
- <product 2>
- ...
- Type = Error Message - Popup
- Message prompts if Related Service Types Restriction changes conflict with configuration of a existing products when click on [Save] button.
- Button: [OK]
119 MSG119 Pickup Order List The pickup order will be cancelled. Do you want to continue? - Type = Confirmation Message - Popup
- Message prompts if user cancel a pickup order.
- 2 button: [Yes], [No]
120 MSG120 Pickup Order List Pickup order cannot be cancelled on the day of courier pickup. Please contact DPD. - Type = Information Message - Popup
- Message prompts if the pickup order is cancelled on the same day with pickup date.
- Button: [OK]
121 MSG121 PUDO selection, Parcel info, Create collection request Weight per parcel must be less than PUDO point max weight. - Type = Error Message - Inline
- Message prompts if Weight per parcel exceed PUDO point max weight.
122 MSG122 PUDO selection COD is not allowed at selected PUDO point. Please select another PUDO point. - Type = Information Message - Popup
- Message prompts if COD service has already been selected but selected PUDO do not allow COD.
- Button: [OK]
123 MSG123 Login Your account was not added to <application name>. Please contact admin! - Type = Information Message - Popup
- Message prompts if successfully logged in via Keycloak but user does not exist in the selected application.
- Button: [OK]
124 MSG124 Create Collection Request Either Email or Mobile Phone must be filled. - Type = Error Message - Inline
- Message prompts if user left both email and mobile fields of sender or receiver empty and Lost focus, Submit, Save, etc.
125 MSG125 Undefined operation! Operation type must be INS, UPD or DEL. Error logged and responded if opcode is different from 'INS', 'UPD' or 'DEL'.
126 MSG126 Undefined error! Error logged and responded for other remaining errors.
127 MSG127 Undefined address type! Address type must be one of the following value: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Error logged and responded if address type is different from allowed values.
129 MSG129 Create pickup order you cannot create pickup order at this moment. Please contact DPD! - Type = Information Message - Popup
- Message prompts if time of creation has passed pickup order Cut-off time.
- Button: [OK]
130 MSG130 Parcel info Please enter insurance amount of all parcels! - Type = Information Message - Popup
- Message prompts if Insurance service is selected, but [Insurance amount] of all parcels is not defined
- Button: [OK]
131 MSG131 BU Configuration <field name 1> should be equal to or greater than <field name 2>. - Type = Information Message - Popup
- Message prompts if <field name 1> is not equal to or greater than <field name 2>.
- Button: [OK]
132 MSG132 Shipment List, Shipment Details, Create Shipment Label is sent to printer successfully. - Type = Success Message - Popup
- The message prompts if label is configured to be printed directly by printer.
- Button: [OK]
133 MSG133 Create pickup order Please input valid pickup time! - Type = Error Message - Inline
- Message prompts if user inputs time value in wrong format and loses focus.
134 MSG134 BU Configuration Invalid Pickup Time Settings configuration. - Type = Success Message - Popup
- The message promptsiIf configured values on < section make the calculation formula invalid
- Button: [OK]
135 MSG135 PUDO selection Max weight of selected PUDO point is less than current parcel weight. Please select another PUDO point. - Type = Information Message - Popup
- Message prompts if max weight of selected PUDO point is less than current parcel weight
- Button: [OK]
136 MSG136 Cannot delete the last address of customer. Error logged and responded if a DEL request sent to delete the last address of a customer.
137 MSG137 Parcel info Max insurance amount per parcel is <max amount>. - Type = Error Message - Inline
- Message prompts if inputted insurance amount exceeds max value.
138 MSG138 Enter Shipment Details The total Insurance amount should be equal <Insurance amount> <Currency>. - Type = Error Message - Popup
- Message prompts if total of parcel Insurance amount is not equal the previous Insurance amount inputted in the Service Selection screen.
- Button [OK]
139 MSG139 Select service COD service is not supported by receiver country. - Type = Error Message - Popup
- Message prompts if COD service is not supported by country of inputted receiver address.
- Button [OK]
140 MSG140 BU Configuration Added row is overlapped with an existing row. - Type = Error Message - Popup
- Message prompts if there is any interval overlapped between the added row with the existing row.
- Button [OK]
141 MSG141 Create Shipment - simple mode.

Enter shipment details
<COD/Insurance> amount of shipment must be greater than 0 <currency>. - Type = Error Message - Popup
- Message prompts if total COD or Insurance amount of a shipment = 0.
- Button [OK]
142 MSG142 Create Shipment - simple mode.

Enter shipment details
The value must be greater than 0. - Type = Error Message - Inline
- Message prompts if data requires > 0, but value 0 is inputted.
143 MSG143 Create Shipment - simple mode.

Enter shipment details
<Field name> and <Field name 2> must be greater than 0. - Type = Error Message - Popup
- Message prompts if both weight and dimension are required but still keep default value (0) of both then click Next.
- Button [OK]
144 MSG144 Create Shipment - simple mode.

Enter shipment details
<Field name> must be greater than 0. - Type = Error Message - Popup
- Message prompts if weight/dimension is required but still keep default value (0) then click Next.
- Button [OK]
145 MSG145 Customer Configuration Customer must have at least one legal and one pickup address. - Type = Error Message - Popup
- Message prompts if legal or pickup address is missing when create/update customer manually.
- Button [OK]
146 MSG146 Create Shipment - simple mode

Select service
Return Email is required. - Type = Error Message - Popup
- Message prompts if receiver email is configured as required in BU Configuration screen in Configure Shipment Settings, and missing contact email from pickup address when use pickup address as return address
- Button [OK]
147 MSG147 Create Shipment - simple mode

Select service
Return Phone is required. - Type = Error Message - Popup
- Message prompts if receiver phone is configured as required in BU Configuration screen in Configure Shipment Settings, and missing contact email from pickup address when use pickup address as return address.
- Button [OK]
148 MSG148 Login, or any screen Deactivated Business Unit! - Type = Error message - Popup 
- Message prompts if user selects to log in the deactivated BU or user proceeds any action in currently logged in BU which is deactivated.
- Button: [OK]
149 MSG149 Print Label and Import Shipment PC application File import has not been started. Parcel range is not enough to proceed, please contact DPD for more parcel numbers. Application is topped automatically. Please click Start when you want to continue to run application. - Type = Error message - Popup 
- Message prompts if there is not enough parcel number when import shipment from PC application.
- Button: [OK]
150 MSG150 Import Log Duplicate file name. A file with the same file name has been imported. Error logged if import a file with the same name as previous imported file.
151 MSG151 Product Configuration MPS is not allowed. Please contact DPD! - Type = Error message - Popup 
- Message prompts if the combination of product, MPS option and shipping restrictions do not meet condition of MPS.
- Button: [OK]
152 MSG152 PC application New version is available. You can update now or application will be updated automatically when it is restarted. - Type = Information message - Popup 
- Message prompts if new version of application is deployed to server.
- Button: [Update Later], [Update Now]
153 MSG153 PC application App is <action> successfully. - Type = Success message - Popup 
- Message prompts when PC application is started or stopped.
- Button: [OK]
154 MSG154 Enter Collection Request Details

Create Collection Request - Simple mode
<COD/Insurance> amount of parcel must be greater than 0 <currency>. - Type = Error Message - Inline
- Message prompts if COD or Insurance amount of parcel = 0 in case MPS option is "Allow multiple collection requests".
155 MSG155 Invalid combination of MPS Option and Main Product Type. Back-end validation message for combination of MPS option and main product type when select not allowed combination.
156 MSG156 Service Info

Create shipment - single page
Multiple orders is not allowed. Please contact DPD! - Type = Error message - Popup 
- Message prompts if main product of shipment is MPS, but additional product is multiple orders.
- Button: [OK]
157 MSG157 Create Collection Request, Address Book in COL 2.0 Either Name or Company Name must be filled. - Type = Error Message - Inline
- Message prompts if user left both Name and Company Name fields of sender or receiver empty and lost focus, submit, save, etc.
158 MSG158 Service Info There is no bank account for provided receiver country. Please contact DPD! - Type = Error message - Popup 
- Message prompts if no bank account for receiver country when bank account is required.
- Button: [OK]
159 MSG159 Shipment List, Pickup Order List Cannot print manifest!

You must select <objects> with the same pickup address to print manifest.
- Type = Error Message - Popup
- Message prompts if user selects shipments having different pickup addresses.
- Button: [OK]
160 MSG160 Shipment List Cannot print manifest!

One of selected shipment is already cancelled.
- Type = Error message - Popup
- Message prompts if user selects a cancelled shipment to print manifest.
- Button: [OK]
161 MSG161 Shipment List, Pickup Order List, Pickup Order Details Manifest is sent to printer successfully. - Type = Success Message - Popup
- The message prompts if manifest is configured to be printed directly by printer.
- Button: [OK]
162 MSG162 Shipment List, Pickup Order List, Pickup Order Details Print manifest successfully! - Type = Success message - Popup
- Message prompts when manifest is printed successfully for shipments/pickup orders.
- 2 button: [OK], [Download Manifest]
163 MSG163 Pickup Order List Manifest will be printed for pickup orders with assigned shipments. - Type = Information Message - Popup
- Message prompts after click [Print Manifest] button on Pickup Order List screen.
- Button: [OK]
164 MSG164 Shipment List Cannot print manifest!

You must select only printed shipments to print manifest.
- Type = Error Message - Popup
- Message prompts if user selects draft shipment to print manifest.
- Button: [OK]
165 MSG165 Pickup Order List Cannot print manifest!

There is no pickup order with assigned shipments selected.
- Type = Error Message - Popup
- Message prompts if all selected pickup orders don't link to shipment.
- Button: [OK]
166 MSG166 Login Your account is required to answer reCAPTCHA question correctly. - Type = Error message - Inline
- Message prompts if user clicks login after login failed 3 times without input reCAPTCHA
167 MSG167 Create Password, Recover Password, Change Password Unable to update password. Password must not contain more than three consecutive characters of login account. - Type = Error Message - Popup (For Change Password pop-up, display as an inline message)
- Message prompts if new password contains more than 3 consecutive characters of login account.
- Button: [OK]
168 MSG168 Create Password, Recover Password, Change Password Unable to update password. The new password must not be one that has been used in the last 9 renewals - Type = Error Message - Popup (For Change Password pop-up, display as an inline message)
- Message prompts if new password is one of 9 last updated passwords. 
- Button: [OK]
170 MSG170 Profile list Unable to delete last profile of user. An user must have at least one profile. - Type = Error Message - Popup
- Message prompts if user tries to delete last profile of a customer user.
- Button [OK]
171 MSG171 Address Book, Masked Address Are you sure you want to delete the selected <Object>? - Type = Confirmation Message - Popup
- Message prompts if user clicks Delete icon after select address(es), object is "address(es)".
- 2 buttons: [Yes], [No]
172 MSG172 Address Book, Masked Address Unable to edit multiple addresses at the same time. Please select one address to edit only. - Type = Error Message - Popup
- Message prompts if user clicks Edit button after select multiple addresses.
- Button [OK]
173 MSG173 Shipment list, Collection request list, Pickup order list Only first 5000 <object> in the list will be exported to the file. - Type = Information Message - Popup
- Message prompts after click [Export] button when there are more than 5000 records in the list.
- Button: [OK]
174 MSG174 Data Transfer Logs The automatic retry process has been reinitiated for the failed request(s). - Type = Information Message - Popup
- Message prompts after click [Retry] button when all the automatic retry attempts have failed. 
- Button: [OK]
175 MSG175 Login Please Log in using SSO option. - Type = Error Message - Popup
- Message prompts if user clicks [Log in] button after providing email and password.
- Button [OK]
176 MSG176 NEWS There is currently no news published or updated - Type = Error Message - Display inside the notification list
- Message prompts if no articles are published/updated on CMS and no historical articles yet
178 MSG178 Send help message Cannot send message!

Something went wrong. Please try again!
- Type = Error Message - Popup
- Message prompts if user clicks [Send] button after providing Category and Content.
- Button [OK]
179 MSG178 Send help message Your message has been successfully sent! - Type = Success message - Popup
- Message prompts when help message is sent successfully.
- 2 button: [OK]
180 MSG180 Customer Configuration Cannot save customer user because deactivated BU is in use. - Type = Error message - Popup
- Message prompts if user selects to create new customer user and add a customer from deactivated BU.
- Button: [OK]
181 MSG181 Customer Configuration Cannot add Groups with same Group Type to a Customer. Please choose again! - Type = Error message - Popup
- Message prompts if user selects Groups with same Group Type for a Customer
- Button: [OK]
182 MSG182 Manage Group ID Following Customers have been already added to Group with same Group Type. Please check and choose again!

- <External Customer ID>
- Type = Error message - Popup
- Message prompts if user selects Groups with same Group Type for a Customer
- Button: [OK]
183 MSG183 Address form Zip Code can contain only 0-9A-z characters - Type = Error Message - Inline
- Message prompts if zip code is not mandatory but provided value contains special characters.
184 MSG184 Customer Configuration Parent-Child Loop is not allowed. Please select another valid parent customer! - Type = Error message - Popup
- Message prompts if user selects parent customer, which is one of the customer's child (no matter which level) 
- Button: [OK]
185 MSG185 Customer Configuration Customer ID <custId> already exists in BU <buCode> - Type = Error Message - Popup
- Message prompts if user adds an existing value of an customer ID that requires to be unique within a BU.
- Button: [OK]
186 MSG1201 Customer <custId> is not associated with customer user (requestor) Error logged if customer is not in related customer list of customer user
187 MSG574 Customer <custId> does not exist in BU <buCode> Error logged and responded if customer does not exist in the provided BU
188 MSG1222 The <buCode> is not enabled to reprint label. Error logged if input a buCode which is not enabled to reprint label
189 MSG1223 Cannot reprint draft shipment. Error logged if enter a draft shipment id when reprinting label via API.
190 MSG1224 Cannot reprint the printed and with pickup shipments. Error logged if enter a printed/with pickup shipmentIds using the print label with shipment ID API





Name Type Mandatory Description
customerId string(14) Yes External ID is unique in the provided BU.
shipments [ExternalShipmentRequestDTO] Yes List of shipment objects with parcels and products
buCode string(3) No Business Unit Code




Name Type Mandatory Description
depot string(7) No Depot number related to Customer
extendShipmentData boolean No Define if full shipment data is returned in the response of shipment creation webservice. The value can be true or false.
True: return full shipment data WITH shipment object (Refer to shipmentResult object when extendShipmentData is true)
False: return the shipmentResult object WITHOUT the shipment object (Refer to shipmentResult object when extendShipmentData is false)
Default value is false.
originalcustomerId string(17) No Only applicable for Integration Customers. Allows to input the ID of the original sender, which can be mapped to a proper geodata field.
fromTime string(5) No Pickup start time. Format: hh:mm
Mandatory if current BU allow pickup time. Refer to Configure Shipment Settings.
labelSize string(2) No The value can be "A4" or "A6". If saveMode is "printed" and this field is empty, use default value as "A4".
maskedSender ExternalShipmentMaskedAddressDTO No Masked sender information.
numOrder integer(int32) Yes The order of shipment in request. This must be unique in a request.
parcels [ExternalShipmentParcelDTO] Yes List of parcel objects.
pickupDate string(8) No Pickup Date; format YYYYMMDD, if pickup date is inputted, pickup order is created for shipment. If saveMode is "draft" or emty, pickup order is not created even when pickupDate is filled.
printFormat string(3) No Format of printed label
Value can be "pdf" or "zpl". If saveMode is "printed" and this field is empty, use default value as "pdf".
printRef1AsBarcode boolean No Define if shipment reference 1 can be printed as barcode in Optional Additional Information on the DPD label. The value can be true/false
true: shipment reference 1 is sprinted as barcode in Optional Additional Information section IF there is enough space to display barcode (at least 2 empty lines to display both barcode and ref 1).
Shipment reference 1 is also printed as normal text under the barcode.
If the value is true, but there is not enough space to display barcode (2 empty lines to display both barcode and ref 1), label is still printed as normal, shipment reference 1 is not printed as barcode.
false: print normal label.
receiver ExternalShipmentReceiverAddressDTO Yes Receiver information
reference1 string(35) No Shipment reference 1.
reference2 string(35) No Shipment reference 2.
reference3 string(35) No Shipment reference 3.
reference4 string(35) No Shipment reference 4.
Mandatory if rod reference is empty.
optionalDirectives string(100) No This parameter is dedicated to adjust the printing paramters of ZPL labels by allowing to insert ZPL commands to the ZPL label. Some of the examples that can be used are:
  • printing rate (speed): ^PRx, where x is the print speed in from 1 to 14, in inches per second (default is 4). Eg. ^PR6 will set the speed to 6 inches/sec. For more on printing speed:
  • darkness: ~SDy, where y is the darkness from 0 (lightest) to 30 (darkest), with 15 being the default. E.g. ~SD20 will set the darkness to 20. For more on darkness settings:
  • label Position (horizontal) - ^LSp, where p (accepted values-9999 to 9999) determines the left shift of the label in dots. E.g. ^LS100 will move the label left, while ^LS-50 will move the label 50 dots right.
  • label position (vertical) - The ^LTz, where "z" (accepted values -120 to 120) is a number of dot rows up or down from its current position, in relation to the top edge of the label.  E.g. ^LT40 will shift the label up by 40 dots, while ^LT-30 will shit it down by 30.
You can combine the above parameters, as you would with any ZPL commands. Eg. you can use the following as optionalZplDirectives: "^PR10~SD15^LT10^LS-20", which will set the print speed to 10 inches per second, darkness to 10, and will adjust the label position by to dots up, and 20 dots right.
saveMode string(13) No The value can be "draft", "parcel number", "printed". If it is empty, the shipment is created as draft.
sender ExternalShipmentSenderAddressDTO No Mandatory of integration customer type.
senderAddressId integer(int64) No Address ID of sender in DPD Shipping (pickup address of customer).
Mandatory for normal customer type.
service CreationExternalShipmentServiceDTO Yes List of main and additional services.
toTime string(5) No Pickup end time. Format: hh:mm
Mandatory if current BU allow pickup time. Refer to Configure Shipment Settings.
returnConsolidation ReturnConsolidationDTO No Return consolidation depot information
can be provided regardless customer type
inter InterDTO No Contains International customs Information
can be provided regardless customer type
dpi string(3) No DPI value for ZPL label, can be 300 or 203. Defaults to 203 if missing or invalid.




Name Type Mandatory Description
city string(35) No Masked sender city.
companyName string(35) No Masked sender company name.
companyName2 string(35) No Masked sender company name 2.
contactEmail string(100) No Masked sender contact email address.
contactFax string(26) No Masked sender contact fax.
contactFaxPrefix string(4) No Masked sender contact fax prefix.
contactMobile string(26) No Masked sender contact number.
contactMobilePrefix string(4) No Masked sender contact mobile prefix.
contactPhone string(26) No Masked sender contact phone.
contactPhonePrefix string(4) No Masked sender contact phone prefix.
countryCode string(3) No Masked sender country code alpha-2 (e.g. LV, FR,...).
flatNo string(8) No Masked sender flat number.
houseNo string(8) No Masked sender house number.
name string(35) Yes Masked sender name.
name2 string(35) No Masked sender name 2.
street string(35) No Masked sender street.
zipCode string(9) No Masked sender zip code.




Name Type Mandatory Description
weight double(5) Conditional Parcel weight (kg).
Mandatory if main service requires declared weight based on product configuration.
dimensionWidth integer(3) Conditional Parcel width (centimeter).
Mandatory if main service requires declared dimension based on product configuration.
dimensionHeight integer(3) Conditional Parcel height (centimeter).
Mandatory if main service requires declared dimension based on product configuration.
dimensionLength integer(3) Conditional Parcel length (centimeter).
Mandatory if main service requires declared dimension based on product configuration.
codAmount double(15) No Parcel COD amount.
If COD split is "Even" or "First parcel", this field is ignored.
insuranceAmount double(15) No Parcel insurance amount.
If insurance split is "Even", this field is ignored.
limitedQuantity boolean No Limited Quantity information of parcel.
reference1 string(35) No Parcel reference 1
reference2 string(35) No Parcel reference 2
reference3 string(35) No Parcel reference 3
reference4 string(35) No Parcel reference 4
parcelId long No Parcel ID in DPD Shipping.
parcelNumber string(14) No Parcel number; will be returned except when saveMode = "draft".
expirationDate string(8) Conditional Determines the expiration date for food related products.
Needs to follow YYYYMMDD syntax (eg. 20241128).
Mandatory for all food-related products.




Name Type Mandatory Description
additionalAddressInfo string(35) No Contact additional address info.
address2 string(35) No Address 2.
address3 string(35) No Address 3.
city string(35) Yes City.
Mandatory for receiver/sender/return address.
companyName string(35) No Company name.
companyName2 string(35) No Company name 2.
contactEmail string(100) Yes Receiver/return email address.
Mandatory for sender address.
Mandatory if:
[Require receiver email] is checked on BU Configuration screen. Refer to Configure Shipment Settings and Manage Collection Request Settings.
contactFax string(30) No Contact fax.
contactFaxPrefix string(4) No Contact fax prefix.
contactInterphoneName string(35) No Contact interphone name.
contactMobile string(30) No Receiver/return Contact mobile.
Mandatory if:
[Require receiver mobile] is checked on BU Configuration screen. Refer to Configure Shipment Settings and Manage Collection Request Settings.
contactMobilePrefix string(4) No Contact mobile prefix.
contactName string(35) Yes Mandatory for sender contact name.
Other contact names are not mandatory.
contactPhone string(30) Yes Mandatory for sender address.
contactPhonePrefix string(4) No Contact phone prefix.
countryCode string(3) Yes Country code alpha-2 (e.g. LV, FR,...).
Mandatory for receiver/sender/return address.
countryName string(35) No Country name.
department string(35) No Department.
doorCode string(8) No Door Code.
flatNo string(8) No Flat number.
floor string(38) No Floor.
houseNo string(8) No House number.
name string(35) Yes Name.
name2 string(35) No Name 2.
street string(35) Yes Street.
Mandatory for receiver/sender/return address.
zipCode string(9) Yes Zip code.
Mandatory for receiver/sender/return address.




Name Type Mandatory Description
additionalService ExternalShipmentAdditionalServiceDTO No List of additional services.
mainServiceCode string(35) Conditional Main service code; one of 2 parameters mainServiceCode or mainServiceElementCode must be mandatory.
mainServiceElementCodes [string(3)] Conditional List of main service element codes; one of 2 parameters mainServiceCode or mainServiceElementCode must be mandatory. If both parameters are inputted, use mainServiceElementCodes for the request.




Name Type Mandatory Description
cod ExternalCodDTO No COD information.
highInsurance ExternalHighInsuranceDTO No High insurance information.
idCheck IdCheckServiceDTO No ID check information.
otherAdditionalServiceElementCode [string(3)] No List of element codes of other additional services.
predicts [ExternalPredictDTO] No List of predict objects with detail information of each type.
pudoId string(20) No PUDO ID.
returnService ReturnDTO No Return information.
rod RodDTO No Return of document information.
swap SwapDTO No SWAP information.




Name Type Mandatory Description
BIC string No Bank Identifier Code.
IBAN string No International bank account number.
accountName string No Bank Account Name.
amount double(15) No COD amount.
If split is "Custom", this field is optional and be ignored.
If split is "Even" or "First parcel", it's mandatory.
bankAccount string No Bank Account Number.
bankAccountId string(30) No Bank account ID in IT4EM
If [Require Bank Account for COD] option is selected in Configure Product Settings for BU, it becomes mandatory to create shipment with COD.
If [Require Bank Account for COD] option is not selected, it's optional.
bankCode string No Bank Code.
bankName string No Bank Name.
currency string(3) Yes Currency for COD [amount]
paymentType string(6) Yes Payment type, can be "Cash" or "Credit Card".
reference string(14) Yes COD Reference.
Max length of this field is validated based on configuration of [Reference input limit] on BU Configuration screen. Refer to Configure Product Settings for BU.
split string(12) Yes COD Split, can be "Custom", "Even" or "First parcel".




Name Type Mandatory Description
amount double(15) No High Insurance amount.
If split is "Custom", this field is optional and be ignored.
If split is "Even", it's mandatory.
currency string(3) Yes Currency for High Insurance [amount].
split string(7) Yes High Insurance Split, can be "Custom" or "Even".




Name Type Mandatory Description
receiverId string(5) No 5 last characters of receiver ID.
receiverName string(35) Yes Receiver name for ID check.




Name Type Mandatory Description
printReturnLabel boolean Yes Value List: "True" or "False".
If Print Label = "True", print return label long with shipment label.
If Print Label = "False", send return label to consignee via email.
returnAddress ExternalShipmentReceiverAddressDTO conditional Receiver information.
Mandatory if useSenderAsReturnAddress = "False".
useSenderAsReturnAddress boolean No If this field is selected or the value of this field is "true", use sender address information from address object as return address.




Name Type Mandatory Description
rodReference string(35) Yes ROD reference




Name Type Mandatory Description
swappedParcelNumber integer(int64) Yes Number of swapped parcels.
Number of swapped parcels = Number of original parcels
For integration customer type, there is no limit for number of original parcels.




Name Type Mandatory Description
additionalAddressInfo string(35) No Contact additional address info.
address2 string(35) No Address 2.
address3 string(35) No Address 3.
city string(35) Yes City.
Mandatory for receiver/sender/return address.
companyName string(35) No Company name.
companyName2 string(35) No Company name 2.
contactEmail string(100) conditional Receiver/return email address.
Mandatory for sender address.
Mandatory if:
[Require receiver email] is checked on BU Configuration screen. Refer to Configure Shipment Settings and Manage Collection Request Settings.
contactFax string(30) No Contact fax.
contactFaxPrefix string(4) No Contact fax prefix.
contactInterphoneName string(35) No Contact interphone name.
contactMobile string(30) conditional Receiver/return Contact mobile.
Mandatory if:
[Require receiver mobile] is checked on BU Configuration screen. Refer to Configure Shipment Settings and Manage Collection Request Settings.
contactMobilePrefix string(4) No Contact mobile prefix.
contactName string(35) Yes Mandatory for sender contact name.
Other contact names are not mandatory.
contactPhone string(30) Yes Mandatory for sender address.
contactPhonePrefix string(4) No Contact phone prefix.
countryCode string(3) Yes Country code alpha-2 (e.g. LV, FR,...).
Mandatory for receiver/sender/return address.
countryName string(35) No Country name.
department string(35) No Department.
doorCode string(8) No Door Code.
flatNo string(8) No Flat number.
floor string(35) No Floor.
houseNo string(8) No House number.
name string(35) Yes Name.
name2 string(35) No Name 2.
street string(35) Yes Street.
Mandatory for receiver/sender/return address.
zipCode string(9) Yes Zip code.
Mandatory for receiver/sender/return address, max length = 9, accept 0-9A-Z




Name Type Mandatory Description
customerId string(17) Yes Customer id
limit integer No Limit the number of shipments in output.
shipmentIdList [integer] Yes List of Shipment ID.
buCode string(3) No Business Unit Code




Name Type Mandatory Description
customerId string(17) Yes External ID is unique in the provided BU.
shipmentIdList [integer] Yes List of shipment ID in WPO.
buCode string(3) No Business Unit Code




Name Type Mandatory Description
customerId string(17) Yes External ID is unique in the provided BU
pickupOrder ExternalPickupOrderDTO Yes Pickup order details.
buCode string(3) No Business Unit Code




Name Type Mandatory Description
additionalInfo string(250) No Additional information.
contactEmail string(100) Yes Contact email.
contactName string(35) Yes Contact name.
contactPhone integer(26) Yes Contact phone.
contactPhonePrefix string(4) No Contact phone prefix.
externalPickupAddressId long(8) Conditional External Pickup Address ID
If [shipmentIds] and [externalPickupAddressId] are inputted, pickup order will be created for inputted [shipmentIds].
fromTime time Conditional Pickup start time. Format: hh:mm
Mandatory if current BU allow pickup time. Refer to Configure Shipment Settings.
internalPickupAddressId long Conditional Internal Pickup Address ID in DPD Shipping.
If both [externalPickupAddressId] and [internalPickupAddressId] are inputted while [shipmentIds] is blank, pickup order will be created for inputted [externalPickupAddressId].
If [shipmentIds], [externalPickupAddressId] and [internalPickupAddressId] are inputted, pickup order will be created for inputted [shipmentIds].
If both [shipmentIds] and [internalPickupAddressId] are inputted, pickup order will be created for inputted [shipmentIds].
If [internalPickupAddressId] is inputted while [shipmentIds] and [externalPickupAddressId] are not given, pickup order will be created for inputted [internalPickupAddressId].
parcelCount integer(3) Conditional Number of parcels.
Mandatory if [shipmentIds] is blank.
If [shipmentIds], parcelCount will be taken from list of shipments.
pickupDate date Yes Pickup date; format: YYYYMMDD.
shipmentIds [integer] Conditional List of internal shipment IDs of pickup order
Type of shipment ID: long
toTime time Conditional Pickup end time. Format: hh:mm.
Mandatory if current BU allow pickup time. Refer to Configure Shipment Settings.
totalWeight double(5) Conditional Total weight (kg).
Mandatory if [shipmentIds] is blank.
If [shipmentIds], totalWeight will be taken from list of shipments.




Name Type Mandatory Description
customerId string(17) Yes External ID is unique in the provided BU.
buCode string(3) No Business Unit Code




Name Type Mandatory Description
buCode string(5) Yes Business Unit code.
collectionRequests [ExternalCollectionRequestDTO] Yes List of Collection Request objects with parcel and products.
requestorId string(14) Yes External customer ID of requestor.




Name Type Mandatory Description
compInfo1 string(35) No Complimentary 1.
compInfo2 string(35) No Complimentary 2.
numOrder long(2) Yes The order of collection request. This must be unique in a request.
parcel ExternalParcelInputDTO Yes Parcel information.
pickupDate date(8) Yes Pickup Date; format YYYYMMDD
receiver ExternalAddressInputDTO Yes none
ref1 string(35) No Reference 1.
ref2 string(35) No Reference 2.
ref3 string(35) No Reference 3.
ref4 string(35) No Reference 4.
sender ExternalAddressInputDTO Yes none
service ExternalCollectionServiceDTO Yes Services information.




Name Type Mandatory Description
additionalAddressInfo string(40) No Contact additional address info.
address2 string(35) No Address 2.
address3 string(35) No Address 3.
city string(35) Yes City.
companyName string(35) No Company name.
companyName2 string(35) No Company name 2.
contactEmail string(100) Yes Contact email address.
Mandatory if the appropriate setting of field is selected, refer to Manage Collection Request Settings.
If it's not configured as required field, one of 2 parameters contactMobile or contactEmail must be mandatory field.
contactFax string(30) No Contact fax.
contactFaxPrefix string(4) No Contact fax prefix.
contactInterphoneName string(35) No Contact interphone name.
contactMobile string(30) No Contact mobile number.
Mandatory if the appropriate setting of field is selected, refer to Manage Collection Request Settings.
If it's not configured as required field, one of 2 parameters contactMobile or contactEmail must be mandatory field.
contactMobilePrefix string(4) No Contact mobile prefix.
contactName string(35) Yes Contact Name.
contactPhone string(30) Yes Contact phone.
contactPhonePrefix string(4) No Contact phone prefix.
countryCode string(3) Yes Country code alpha-2 (e.g. LV, FR,...).
customerId string Yes External Customer ID.
department string(35) No Department.
doorCode string(8) No Door Code.
flatNo string(3) No Flat number.
floor string(35) No Floor.
houseNo string(4) No House number.
name string(35) Yes Name.
name2 string(35) No Name 2.
street string(35) Yes Street.
zipCode string(4) Yes Zip code. Max length = 9, accept 0-9A-Z




Name Type Mandatory Description
additionalService ExternalAdditionalServiceRequestDTO No Additional services information.
mainServiceCode string(35) Conditional Main service code; one of 2 parameters mainServiceCode or mainServiceElementCode must be mandatory.
mainServiceElementCodes [string] Conditional List of main service element codes; one of 2 parameters mainServiceCode or mainServiceElementCode must be mandatory. If both parameters are inputted, use mainServiceElementCodes for the request.




Name Type Mandatory Description
dimensionHeight integer(3) Conditional Parcel height (cm).
Mandatory if main service require declared dimension.
dimensionLength integer(3) Conditional Parcel length (cm).
Mandatory if main service require declared dimension.
dimensionWidth integer(3) Conditional Parcel width (cm).
Mandatory if main service require declared dimension.
weight double(5) Conditional Parcel weight (kg).
Mandatory if main service require declared weight.




Name Type Mandatory Description
cod ExternalCodAdditionalServiceDTO No COD information.
highInsurance ExternalHighInsuranceAdditionalServiceDTO No High insurance information.
otherAdditionalServiceElementCode [string] No List of element codes of other additional services.
predicts [ExternalPredictDTO] No List of predict objects with detail information of each type.
pudoId string(2) No PUDO ID.




Name Type Mandatory Description
amount double(15) Conditional Total COD amount of collection request.
bankAccountId string(40) Conditional Bank account ID in IT4EM.
currency string(3) Yes Currency for COD [amount]
paymentType string(6) Yes Payment type, can be "Cash" or "Credit Card"
reference string(14) Yes COD Reference.
split string(12) Yes COD Split, can be "Custom", "Even" or "First parcel"




Name Type Mandatory Description
amount double(15) Conditional Total high Insurance amount of collection request.
currency string(3) Yes Currency for High Insurance [amount].
split string(7) Yes High Insurance Split, can be "Custom" or "Even".




Name Type Mandatory Description
destination string(100) Yes Can be email address or phone number, depend on type.
destinationType string(9) No Can be "Consignee" or "Consignor"; default is "Consignee" if this param is empty.
language string(2) No Language of notification (EN, FR,..).
If this param is empty and:
[Who] value is "Consignee", use the first value of language list get from routing database, based on receiver country code.
[Who] value is "Consignor", use the first value of language list get from routing database, based on sender country code.
trigger string(16) No Can be "Pick-up", "Non-Delivery", "Delivery", "Inbound", "Out for Delivery", default is "Pick-up" if this param is empty.
type string(5) Yes Notification type, can be "email" or "SMS".




Name Type Mandatory Description
buCode string(5) Yes Business Unit code.
collectionRequestList [integer] Yes List of Collection Request ID in COL 2.0.
customerId string(17) Yes External Customer ID.




Name Type Mandatory Description
buCode string(5) Yes Business Unit code.
collectionRequestUpdates [ExternalUpdateCollectionRequestDTO] Yes List of collection request update object, which contain all info will be updated for collection request.




Name Type Mandatory Description
collectionRequestId long Yes Internal collection request ID.
mpsid string(14) No MPS ID of collection request.
parcelInfoList [ExternalParcelInfo] No List of parcel information object.
pickupDate date(8) Conditional The real pickup date; format YYYYMMDD.
Mandatory if status = 2.
status string(1) Yes Status code of collection request follow GEODATA_COLANS v4.1.0
0: Collection request accepted by collecting BU (ACCEPTED).
1: Parcel number assigned to the collection request; no pick-up scan so far (READY FOR COLLECTION)
2: Pick-up scan recorded (COLLECTED)
3: Collection request cancelled (usually after accepting the request beforehand) (CANCELLED)
4: Collection failure (NOT COLLECTED)
5: Collection request cancellation not possible (sub-status CANCELLATION REJECTED)
6: Collection request rejected (instead of ever accepting it) (REJECTED)




Name Type Mandatory Description
parcelDimensionHeight integer(5) No Actual parcel height (cm).
parcelDimensionLength integer(5) No Actual parcel length (cm).
parcelDimensionWidth integer(5) No Actual parcel width (cm).
parcelId long Yes Internal parcel ID.
parcelNumber string(14) Yes Parcel number.
parcelWeight double(5) No Actual parcel weight (kg).




Name Type Required Description
returnDepotAddress ReturnDeportAddressDTO true Return Depot Address object
returnComment string (70) false Return address comments
returnGln numberic (13) false Return address GLN number (Global location number)
returnDepot alphanumeric (7) false Return depot number
returnPudoId alphanumeric (20) false ID number of PUDO point




Name Type Required Description
parcelType string (1) false Parcel type within the shipment
Different parcel types can't be mixed into one shipment
Conditional Description
Mandatory if : CLEARANCECLEARED = "E", "T", "I" or "H" else,
Optional if : CLEARANCECLEARED = "N" or "F"
cAmount double (15) false Declared customs amount in total (documents = 0).
Separator is "." (point). The number of decimal will depend of the currency (it could be from 0 to three digit).
Conditional Description
Mandatory if : CLEARANCECLEARED = "E", "T", "I" or "H" else,
Optional if : CLEARANCECLEARED = "N" or "F"
currency string (3) false Currency code (ISO 4217 alpha 3)
Conditional Description
Mandatory if : CLEARANCECLEARED = "E", "T", "I" or "H", else,
Optional if : CLEARANCECLEARED = "N" or "F", if exporting to UK
cAmountEx double (15) false Converted customs amount in total. Separator is "." (point).
The number of decimal will depend of the currency (it could be from 0 to three digit). (documents = 0)
-> Data in this field to be captured based on the rules of each BU.
Conditional Description
Mandatory if : CLEARANCECLEARED = "E", "T", "I" or "H" else,
Optional if : CLEARANCECLEARED = "N" or "F"
currencyEx string (3) false Currency for conversion
-> Data in this field to be captured based on the rules of each BU.
Conditional Description
Mandatory if : CLEARANCECLEARED = "E", "T", "I" or "H" else,
Optional if : CLEARANCECLEARED = "N" or "F"
cTerms string (2) false Inco Terms
-> If not provided then the default value applied by DPD UK will be DAP
Conditional Description
Mandatory if : CLEARANCECLEARED = "E", "T", "I" or "H" else,
Optional if : CLEARANCECLEARED = "N" or "F"
cPaper string (20) false Accompanying documents
Example: A | G | B
Separator is "|" (a pipe) in case of multiple invoice documents
cComment string (70) false Internal GeoPost comment. Not used by the customer.
clearanceCleared string (1) true Clearancecleared Flag
highLowValue string (1) false (H)igh, (M)id (above 22€ and below 150€), (L)ow.
Conditional Description
Mandatory in relationship between the import gateway and its broker.
preAlertStatus string (3) false Status
Conditional Description
Mandatory if : CLEARANCECLEARED = "E", "T", "I" or "H" else,
Optional if : CLEARANCECLEARED = "N" or "F"
cInvoice string (35) false Invoice number
Separator is "|" (a pipe) in case of multiple invoice numbers
Conditional Description
Becomes mandatory according to the threshold value of the destination country
cInvoiceDate string (35) false Invoice date (format YYYYMMDD) Separator is "|" (a pipe) in case of multiple invoice dates
cName1 string (35) false Commercial invoice consignee name 1
Conditional Description
One of the two fields (CNAME1 / CNAME2) is mandatory if : CLEARANCECLEARED = "E", "T", "I" or "H" else,
Optional if : CLEARANCECLEARED = "N" or "F"
cName2 string (35) false Commercial invoice consignee name 2
Conditional Description
One of the two fields (CNAME1 / CNAME2) is mandatory if : CLEARANCECLEARED = "E", "T", "I" or "H" else,
Optional if : CLEARANCECLEARED = "N" or "F"
cStreet string (35) false Commercial invoice consignee street
Conditional Description
Mandatory if : CLEARANCECLEARED = "E", "T", "I" or "H" else,
Optional if : CLEARANCECLEARED = "N" or "F"
cPropNum string (8) false Commercial invoice consignee Propriety number
cCountryCode string (3) false Commercial invoice consignee country code (ISO3166). The three ISO standards will be managed:
ISO 3166-1: 2 Alpha Numerical Characters
ISO 3166-1: 3 Alpha Numerical Characters
ISO 3166-1: 3 Numerical Characters
Conditional Description
Mandatory if : CLEARANCECLEARED = "E", "T", "I" or "H" else,
Optional if : CLEARANCECLEARED = "N" or "F"
cState string (2) false State within the commercial invoice consignee country
-> Applies to Countries with State
Example: CA for California.
Conditional, according to country code
cZipCode string (9) false Commercial invoice consignee postal code
Conditional Description
According GeoPost country list, if the country have one.
cTown string (35) false Commercial invoice consignee Town
cGpsLat string (16) false Geo. Latitude coordinate Number, according to ISO 6709.
± Degrees + decimal i.e DD.ddddddd
cGpsLong string (16) false Geo. Longitude coordinate Number, according to ISO 6709.
± Degrees + decimal i.e DD.ddddddd
cContact string (35) false Commercial invoice consignee contact
Conditional Description
Becomes mandatory according to the threshold value of the destination country
-> If no contact copy the recipient contact name.
siPhonePrefix string (4) false Phone prefix of the invoice address of the sender
siPhone string (30) false Phone number of the invoice address of the sender
cPhone string (30) false Commercial invoice consignee phone.
cPhonePrefix string (4) false Commercial invoice consignee phone prefix
cFax string (30) false Commercial invoice consignee fax number
cFaxPrefix string (4) false Commercial invoice consignee fax number prefix
cEmail string (100) false Commercial invoice consignee email address
Conditional Description
One of the two fields (CPHONE / CEMAIL) is mandatory if : CLEARANCECLEARED = "E", "T", "I" or "H" else,
Optional if : CLEARANCECLEARED = "N" or "F"
cGln integer (13) false Commercial invoice consignee GLN number (Global location number).
cVatNo string (20) false Commercial invoice consignee VAT number
cNumber string (35) false Customer deferment number with can be used for duty tax collection
shipMrn string (209) false MRN of the electronic export declaration
Remarks: The "|" is the separator between two MRN.
cEori string (20) false Commercial invoice consignee VAT/EORI number.
siName1 string (35) false Name 1 of the invoice address of the sender
Conditional Description
One of the two fields (SINAME1 / SINAME2) is mandatory if :
else, Optional if : CLEARANCECLEARED = "N" or "F"
siName2 string (35) false Name 2 of the invoice address of the sender
Conditional Description
One of the two fields (SINAME1 / SINAME2) is mandatory if :
CLEARANCECLEARED = "E", "T", "I" or "H" else,
Optional if : CLEARANCECLEARED = "N" or "F"
siStreet string (35) false Street of the invoice address of the sender
siPropNum string (8) false House number of the invoice address of the sender
siCountryCode string (3) false Country of the invoice address of the sender (ISO 3166). The three ISO standards will be accepted:
ISO 3166-1: 2 Alpha Numerical Characters
ISO 3166-1: 3 Alpha Numerical Characters
ISO 3166-1: 3 Numerical Characters
siState string (2) false State of the invoice address of the sender
-> Applies to Countries with State
Example: CA for California.
Conditional, according to country code
siZipCode string (9) false Postal code of the invoice address of the sender
siTown string (35) false Town of the invoice address of the sender.
siGpsLat string (16) false Geo. Latitude coordinate Number, according to ISO 6709.
± Degrees + decimal i.e DD.ddddddd
siGpsLong string (16) false Geo. Longitude coordinate Number, according to ISO 6709.
± Degrees + decimal i.e DD.ddddddd
siContact string (35) false Contact of the invoice address of the sender
siEmail string (100) false Sender email address
Conditional Description
One of the two fields (SIPHONE / SIEMAIL) is mandatory if :Optional if : CLEARANCECLEARED = "N" or "F"
opCode string (3) true The record is new, updated and deleted (INS, UPD, DEL).
"INS" for the first transfer then "UPD" or "DEL" if necessary.
By default, the only possible value is "INS" except if the usage of others values has been negotiated between the sender and the receiver.
numberOfArticle integer (6) false This is the real number of commodities (RCTARIF / SCTARIF).
destCountryReg string (15) false Destination country registration information
Destination identification number or Destination VAT
Conditional Description
Mandatory if : CLEARANCECLEARED = "E", "T", "I" or "H"else,
Optional if : CLEARANCECLEARED = "N" or "F"
siEori string (20) false Seller of the good VAT/EORI number
reasonForExport string (2) true Reason for export
By default, the reason for export value = 01
sVatNo string (20) false Shipper VAT number
sEori string (20) false Shipper VAT/EORI number
rVatNo string (20) false Consignee VAT number
rEori string (20) false Consignee VAT/EORI number
interInvoiceList InterInvoiceDTO false A list of Inter Invoice Lines




Name Type Required Description
cInvoicePosition integer (6) false Line number of the invoice
qItems integer (5) true Quantity of items per article or invoice line even for low / mid / high value or any type of customer
cContent string (200) true Content (Depending of the destination system. Could be cut by some system to the first 35 characters)
cAmountLine double (15) true Value of invoice position
Separator is "." (point). The number of decimal will depend of the currency (it could be from 0 to three digits).
rcTarif string (70) false Internal GeoPost comment. Not use by the customers
cOrigin string (3) true COUNTRYCODE of invoice origin (Manufacturer Country) (ISO 3166). The three ISO standards will be managed:
ISO 3166-1: 2 Alpha Numericals Characters
ISO 3166-1: 3 Alpha Numericals Characters
ISO 3166-1: 3 Numericals Characters
cNetWeight integer (8) false Total weight of the article, excluding packaging, in grams.
-> This is not the unit weightConditional Description
Rules for weight:Sum of CGROSSWEIGHTs equal MPSWEIGHT
Either CNETWEIGHT or CGROSSWEIGHT should reflect the value on the commercial invoice
If CNETWEIGHT is not populated, the broker is responsible for deriving this from CGROSSWEIGHT minus 10% (adjustment for packaging). It is not the responsibility of the Business Units / Customer.
cGrossWeight integer (8) false Total weight of the article including packaging, in grams.
-> This is not the unit weight
Weight in Grams units without decimal delimiter (e.g. 3000 equals 3kg)
Conditional Description
Rules for weight:
Either CNETWEIGHT or CGROSSWEIGHT should reflect the value on the commercial invoice
If CNETWEIGHT is not populated, the broker is responsible for deriving this from CGROSSWEIGHT minus 10%(adjustment for packaging). It is not the responsibility of the Business Units / Customer.
cProdCode string (255) false Internal Customer product code
cProdType string (70) false Short description of the product
cFabricComposition string (200) true Description of fabric composition
rcTarif string (11) true Customs tariff number (HSCODE) applicable for the customs clearance gateway and/or destination country.
Example: origin China different than Europe
scTarif string (11) true Customs tarif number.
Mandatory according to the origin country.
If origin custom not done by a BU RCTARIF and SCTARIF can have the same value
goodsWebPage string (255) false Goods web page of the seller Emarchant




Name Type Required Description
name string (35) Conditional Return address name
One of the two fields (name / companyName) is mandatory.
name2 string (35) No Return address name 2
companyName string (35) Conditional Return address Company Name
One of the two fields (name / companyName) is mandatory.
countryCode string (2) Yes Return depot country (ISO 3166 2-alpha code)
zipCode string (9) Yes Return address post code
Only Characters 0-9A-Z are allowed
city string (35) Yes Return address city/town
street string (35) Yes Return address street
houseNo string (8) No Return address house number
flatNo string (8) No Return address flat number
address2 string (35) No Return address address 2
address3 string (35) No Return address address 3
department string (35) No Return address  department
floor string (35) No Return address floor
doorCode string (8) No Return address doorCode
building string (35) No Return address building
contactName string (35) No Return address contact person
contactPhonePrefix string (4) No Return address phone prefix
contactPhone string (26) No Return address phone
contactFaxPrefix string (4) No Return address fax prefix
contactFax string (26) No Return address fax
contactInterphoneName string (35) No Return address 
contactEmail string (100) No Return address email address
additionalAddressInfo string (35) No Return address additional address info
longitude string (16) No Geo. Longitude coordinate Number, according to ISO 6709. ± Degrees + decimal i.e DD.ddddddd 
latitude string (16) No Geo. Latitude coordinate Number, according to ISO 6709. ± Degrees + decimal i.e DD.ddddddd
stateCode string (2) No Return address State within the country, e.g. CA for California.
conditional, according to country code




Name Type Mandatory Description
buCode string Yes Business Unit that relates to customer user via customer
shipments ExternalRelabelShipmentDTO Yes List of shipment objects with parcels and products.




Name Type Mandatory Description
depot string(7) Yes Sender depot
labelSize string(2) No Size of label.
The value can be "A4" or "A6" but only "A6" is supported for now
printFormat string(3) No Format of printed label.
Value can be "pdf" or "zpl". If this field is not provided or empty, use default value as "pdf"
sender ExternalRelabelSenderAddressDTO Yes Sender address.
maskedSender ExternalRelabelMaskedAddressDTO No Masked sender information.
receiver ExternalRelabelReceiverAddressDTO Yes Receiver information.
parcels ExternalRelabelParcelDTO Yes List of parcel objects.
service ExternalRelabelServiceDTO Yes Main service code.
labelOptionalSection ExternalRelabelOptionalSectionDTO No Optional information.




Name Type Mandatory Description
name string(35) Conditional Name.
At least one of the field "Sender name" or "Sender company name" is required.
name2 string(35) No Name 2.
companyName string(35) Conditional Company name.
At least one of the field "Sender name" or "Sender company name" is required.
companyName2 string(35) No Company name 2.
countryName string(35) No Country name.
countryCode string(2) Yes Country code alpha-2 (e.g. LV, FR,...).
Treat field as case-insensitive. System handels "XY" or "Xy" or "xY" or "xy" the same.
zipCode string(9) Yes Zipcode.
city string(35) Yes City name.
street string(35) Yes Street name.
houseNo string(8) No House number.
flatNo string(8) No Flat number.
address2 string(35) No Address 2.
address3 string(35) No Address 3.
department string(35) No Department.
floor string(35) No Floor.
doorCode string(8) No Door code.
contactName string(35) No Contact name.
contactMobilePrefix string(5) No Contact mobile prefix, E.g: +31, +32, +33.
contactMobile string(25) Conditional Receiver Contact mobile.
contactPhonePrefix string(5) No Contact phone prefix, E.g: +31, +32, +33.
contactPhone string(25) Conditional Mandatory for sender address.
contactFaxPrefix string(5) No Contact fax prefix, E.g: +31, +32, +33.
contactFax string(25) No Contact fax.
contactInterphoneName string(35) No Contact interphone name.
contactEmail string(100) Conditional Receiver/return email address.
additionalAddressInfo string(35) No Contact additional address info.




Name Type Mandatory Description
name string(35) Conditional Name.
At least one of the field "Receiver name" or "Receiver company name" is required.
name2 string(35) No Name 2.
companyName string(35) Conditional Company name.
At least one of the field "Receiver name" or "Receiver company name" is required.
companyName2 string(35) No Company name 2.
countryName string(35) No Country name.
countryCode string(2) Yes Country code alpha-2 (e.g. LV, FR,...).
Treat field as case-insensitive. System handels "XY" or "Xy" or "xY" or "xy" the same.
zipCode string(9) Yes Zipcode.
city string(35) Yes City name.
street string(35) Yes Street name.
houseNo string(8) No House number.
flatNo string(8) No Flat number.
address2 string(35) No Address 2.
address3 string(35) No Address 3.
department string(35) No Department.
floor string(35) No Floor.
doorCode string(8) No Door code.
contactName string(35) No Contact name.
contactMobilePrefix string(5) No Contact mobile prefix, E.g: +31, +32, +33.
contactMobile string(25) Conditional Receiver Contact mobile.
contactPhonePrefix string(5) No Contact phone prefix, E.g: +31, +32, +33.
contactPhone string(25) Conditional Mandatory for sender address.
contactFaxPrefix string(5) No Contact fax prefix, E.g: +31, +32, +33.
contactFax string(25) No Contact fax.
contactInterphoneName string(35) No Contact interphone name.
contactEmail string(100) Conditional Receiver/return email address.
additionalAddressInfo string(35) No Contact additional address info.




Name Type Mandatory Description
name string(35) Yes Name.
name2 string(35) No Name 2.
companyName string(35) No Company name.
companyName2 string(35) No Company name 2.
countryCode string(2) Yes Country code alpha-2 (e.g. LV, FR,...).
Treat field as case-insensitive. system handels "XY" or "Xy" or "xY" or "xy" the same.
zipCode string(9) Yes Zipcode.
city string(35) Yes City name.
street string(35) Yes Street name.
houseNo string(8) No House number.
flatNo string(8) No Flat number.
contactMobilePrefix string(5) No Contact mobile prefix, E.g: +31, +32, +33.
contactMobile string(25) Conditional Receiver Contact mobile.
contactPhonePrefix string(5) No Contact phone prefix, E.g: +31, +32, +33.
contactPhone string(25) Conditional Mandatory for sender address.
contactFaxPrefix string(5) No Contact fax prefix, E.g: +31, +32, +33.
contactFax string(25) No Contact fax.
contactEmail string(100) Conditional Receiver/return email address.




Name Type Mandatory Description
weight double(5) No Parcel weight (kg).
dimensionWidth integer(3) No Parcel width (centimeter).
dimensionHeight integer(3) No Parcel height (centimeter).
dimensionLength integer(3) No Parcel length (centimeter).
limitedQuantity boolean No Limited Quantity information of parcel.
mpsId string(14) Yes MPS ID, should contain numeric characters only.
parcelNumber string(14) Yes Parcel number, should contain numeric characters only.
parcelRank string(10) Yes - Order number of parcel on total parcel count
- Need to follow format x/y while x, y are integer, e.g 1/10, 20/100




Name Type Mandatory Description
mainServiceCode string(3) Yes soCode, need for routing calculation.




Name Type Mandatory Description
reference1 string(35) No additional information 1
reference2 string(35) No additional information 2
reference3 string(35) No additional information 3
reference4 string(35) No additional information 4
reference5 string(35) No additional information 5
reference6 string(35) No additional information 6




Name Type Mandatory Description
customerId string(17) Yes External ID is unique in the provided BU.
labelSize string No Label paper size, can be "A4" or "A6". If it's empty, use default value as "A4".
printFormat string(3) No Print Format
shipmentId long Yes One shipment ID in WPO.
Shipment ID data type: numeric. No max length required.
startPosition integer No Start Position's value:
1: top left
2: top right
3: bottom left
4: bottom right
buCode string(3) Yes Business Unit Code
dpi string(3) No DPI value for ZPL label, can be 300 or 203. Defaults to 203 if missing or invalid.




Name Type Description
elements [string] List of "S" and "O" elements of additional service.
name string Additional product name.
nonopsElements [string] List of non-operational element codes of additional service.




Name Type Description
BIC string Bank Identifier Code.
IBAN string International bank account number.
accountName string Bank Account Name.
amount number(double) Total COD amount of shipment.
bankAccount string Bank Account Number.
bankAccountId string Bank Account ID from IT4EM
bankCode string Bank Code.
bankName string Bank Name.
currency string COD currency.
paymentType string Payment type, can be "Cash" or "Credit Card".
reference string COD Reference.
split string Split option of COD, can be "Custom", "Even" or "First parcel"




Name Type Description
errors [ExternalItemLogDTO] List of errors.
shipment GetExternalShipmentDTOV2 Whole shipment object with parcels and products.
transactionId integer(int64) Request log ID.




Name Type Description
amount number(double) Total high insurance amount of shipment.
currency string Currency of insurance.
split string High insurance split option, can be "Custom" or "Even".




Name Type Description
errorCode string Error code; will be empty if transaction successfully.
errorContent string Error explanation.




Name Type Description
errors [ExternalItemLogDTO] List of errors.
pdfFile string Byte array of PDF file or ZPL.
transactionId integer(int64) Request log ID.




Name Type Description
errors [ExternalItemLogDTO] List of errors.
file string Byte array of PDF file or ZPL in base64
routing RouteResultDTO Routing
transactionId integer(int64) Request log ID.




Name Type Description
BIC string Bank Identifier Code.
IBAN string International bank account number.
accountName string Bank Account Name.
bankAccount string Bank Account Number.
bankAccountId string Bank Account ID from IT4EM
bankCode string Bank Code.
bankName string Bank Name.
codAmount number(double) Parcel COD amount.
currency string COD currency.
paymentType string Payment type, can be "Cash" or "Credit Card".
reference string COD Reference.




Name Type Description
destination string Can be email or phone number, depend on type. If it's phone number, return full phone number with prefix.
Format: +prefixmobile, eg., "+4822222".
destinationType string Can be "Consignee" or "Consignor". When Predict simple is used, return "Consignee"
language string Language code, has length = 2 (EN, FR, CS…).
trigger string Follow rule:
For both Predict Simple and Advanced use value "904" if Predict is used; use value "902" if both Predict & PUDO are used.
type string Notification type, can be "email" or "SMS".




Name Type Description
rodReference string ROD reference




Name Type Description
parcelNumberBack string Parcel number back.
serviceBack string Service code back, get from routing.




Name Type Description
type string Goods type - can be FOOD or HEALTHCARE
features string Features of the good, can be FRESH, FROZEN or AMBIENT
limitDate string(10) The latest date by which the good must be delivered (format YYYY-MM-DD)




Name Type Description
errors [ExternalItemLogDTO] List of errors.
pickupOrderId integer(int64) Pickup Order ID in DPD Shipping.
transactionId integer(int64) Request log ID.




Name Type Description
destination string(100) Can be email or phone number, depend on type. If it's phone number, return full phone number with prefix.
Format: +prefixmobile, eg., "+4822222".
destinationType string(9) Can be "Consignee" or "Consignor". When Predict simple is used, return "Consignee"
language string(2) Language code, has length = 2 (EN, FR, CS…).
trigger string(16) Follow rule:
For both Predict Simple and Advanced use value "904" if Predict is used; use value "902" if both Predict & PUDO are used.
type string(5) Notification type, can be "email" or "SMS".




Name Type Description
pudoAddress1 string Information get from PUDO service.
pudoAddress2 string Information get from PUDO service.
pudoAddress3 string Information get from PUDO service.
pudoAllowCod string Information get from PUDO service.
pudoCity string Information get from PUDO service.
pudoCountryCode string Information get from PUDO service.
pudoCountryCode2 string Information get from PUDO service.
pudoCountryName string Information get from PUDO service.
pudoHandicapes boolean Information get from PUDO service.
pudoId string PUDO point which is selected in the shipment.
Information get from PUDO service.
pudoLanguage string Information get from PUDO service.
pudoLatitude string Information get from PUDO service.
pudoLocationHhint string Information get from PUDO service.
pudoLongitude string Information get from PUDO service.
pudoMaxWeight string Information get from PUDO service.
pudoName string Information get from PUDO service.
pudoStreetNum string Information get from PUDO service.
pudoType string Information get from PUDO service.
pudoZipcode string Information get from PUDO service.
servicePudo string Information get from PUDO service.




Name Type Description
additionalAddressInfo string Contact additional address info.
address2 string Address 2.
address3 string Address 3.
building string Building.
city string City.
companyName string Company name.
companyName2 string Company name 2.
contactEmail string Email address.
contactFax string Contact fax.
contactFaxPrefix string Contact fax.
contactInterphoneName string Contact interphone name.
contactMobile string Contact mobile.
contactMobilePrefix string Contact mobile prefix.
contactName string Contact Name.
contactPhone string Contact phone.
contactPhonePrefix string Contact phone prefix.
countryCode string Country code alpha-2 (e.g. LV, FR,...).
countryName string Country name.
department string Department.
doorCode string Door Code.
flatNo string Flat number.
floor string Floor.
houseNo string House number.
name string Name.
name2 string Name 2.
street string Street.
zipCode string Zip code. Max length = 9, accept 0-9A-Z




Name Type Description
cancelResultList [ExternalShipmentCancelResultDTO] List of result object.
errors [ExternalItemLogDTO] List of errors.
transactionId integer(int64) Request log ID.




Name Type Description
errors [ExternalItemLogDTO] List of errors.
shipmentId integer(int64) Shipment ID in DPD Shipping.




Name Type Description
shipmentResults [ExternalShipmentResultDTO] List of result shipment object. In case of having return/swap, shipmentResults will include return/swap shipment under the same numbOrder with original shipment.
transactionId integer(int64) Request log ID; unique for each transaction.




Name Type Description
additionalAddressInfo string Additional Address Information
address2 string Address 2
address3 string Address 3
addressId string Internal address ID (in Master Data).
building string Building.
city string City.
companyName string Company name.
companyName2 string Company name 2.
contactEmail string Contact email.
contactFax string Contact fax number (not include prefix).
contactFaxPrefix string Contact fax prefix.
contactInterphoneName string Contact interphone name.
contactMobile string Contact mobile number (not include prefix).
contactMobilePrefix string Contact mobile prefix.
contactName string Contact name.
contactPhone string Contact phone number (not include prefix).
contactPhonePrefix string Contact phone prefix.
countryCode string Country code alpha-2 (e.g. LV, FR,...).
department string Department.
doorCode string Door Code.
flatNo string Flat number.
floor string Floor.
houseNo string House number.
latitude string Latitude.
longitude string Longitude.
name string Name.
name2 string Name 2.
stateCode string State code.
street string Street.
zipCode string Zip code. Max length = 9, accept 0-9A-Z




Name Type Description
asCode string Information get from routing API when calculate route for shipment.
barcodeText string Information includes 27 last digits printed in barcode and 1 check digit
content string Parcel content.
dimensionHeight integer(int32) Parcel height (centimeter).
dimensionLength integer(int32) Parcel length (centimeter).
dimensionWidth integer(int32) Parcel width (centimeter).
insuranceAmount number(double) Parcel insurance amount.
limitedQuantity integer(int32) - Limited quantity.
- Value list:
- "1": True - "0": False
parcelCod ExternalParcelCodDTOV2 Parcel COD information
parcelId integer(int64) Parcel ID in DPD Shipping.
parcelNumber string Parcel number; will be returned except when saveMode = "draft".
parcelNumberCckey string Check digit of appropriate parcel number.
parcelPredicts [ExternalParcelPredictDTOV2] Parcel Predicts information
parcelRod ExternalParcelRodDTOV2 Parcel ROD information
parcelSwap ExternalParcelSwapDTOV2 Parcel SWAP information
reference1 string Parcel reference 1.
reference2 string Parcel reference 2.
reference3 string Parcel reference 3.
reference4 string Parcel reference 4.
soCode string Information get from routing API when calculate route for shipment.
weight number(double) Parcel weight (kg)
returnConsolidation ReturnConsolidationDTO Consolidation information for returning.
This object is stored in each parcel object with same data as requested
goods ExternalParcelGoodsDTO Information about food produc




Name Type Description
parcelId integer(int64) Parcel ID in DPD Shipping.
parcelNumber string Parcel number; will be returned except when saveMode = "draft".




Name Type Description
additionalAddressInfo string Additional Address Information
address2 string Address 2
address3 string Address 3
addressId string Internal address ID (in Master Data).
building string Building.
city string City.
companyName string Company name.
companyName2 string Company name 2.
contactEmail string Contact email.
contactFax string Contact fax number (not include prefix).
contactFaxPrefix string Contact fax prefix.
contactInterphoneName string Contact interphone name.
contactMobile string Contact mobile number (not include prefix).
contactMobilePrefix string Contact mobile prefix.
contactName string Contact name.
contactPhone string Contact phone number (not include prefix).
contactPhonePrefix string Contact phone prefix.
countryCode string Country code alpha-2 (e.g. LV, FR,...).
department string Department.
doorCode string Door Code.
externalAddressID string External address ID, which is retrieved from IT4EM.
flatNo string Flat number.
floor string Floor.
houseNo string House number.
latitude string Latitude.
longitude string Longitude.
name string Name.
name2 string Name 2.
stateCode string State code.
street string Street.
zipCode string Zip code. Max length = 9, accept 0-9A-Z




Name Type Description
errors [ExternalItemLogDTO] List of errors.
labelFile string Byte array of PDF or ZPL; will be returned if shipment is printed. (might need to limit the number of returned label in a response).
If saveMode is "parcel number assign", label is not returned in response.
mpsId string MPS parcel number of shipment; will be returned if shipment is printed.
numOrder integer(int32) The order of shipment in request. This must be unique in a request.
parcelResults [ExternalShipmentParcelResultDTO] List of result parcels of shipment.
pickupOrderId integer(int64) Pickup Order ID in DPD Shipping; will be returned if pickup order is created for shipment.
shipment GetExternalShipmentDTOV2 Whole shipment object with parcels and products.
shipmentId integer(int64) Shipment ID in DPD Shipping.




Name Type Description
barcodeId string Information get from routing API when calculate route for shipment.
buAlphaString string Information get from routing API when calculate route for shipment.
buCode string Information get from routing API when calculate route for shipment.
cSort string Information get from routing API when calculate route for shipment.
dDepot string Information get from routing API when calculate route for shipment.
dDepotCountry string Information get from routing API when calculate route for shipment.
dDepotStr string Information get from routing API when calculate route for shipment.
dSort string Information get from routing API when calculate route for shipment.
dcountry string Information get from routing API when calculate route for shipment.
networkCode string Information get from routing API when calculate route for shipment.
oSort string Information get from routing API when calculate route for shipment.
partnerCode string Information get from routing API when calculate route for shipment.
sSort string Information get from routing API when calculate route for shipment.
serviceMark string Information get from routing API when calculate route for shipment.
serviceText string Information get from routing API when calculate route for shipment.
version string Information get from routing API when calculate route for shipment.




Name Type Description
additionalAddressInfo string Additional Address Information
address2 string Address 2
address3 string Address 3
addressId string Internal address ID (in Master Data).
building string Building.
city string City.
companyName string Company name.
companyName2 string Company name 2.
contactEmail string Contact email.
contactFax string Contact fax number (not include prefix).
contactFaxPrefix string Contact fax prefix.
contactInterphoneName string Contact interphone name.
contactMobile string Contact mobile number (not include prefix).
contactMobilePrefix string Contact mobile prefix.
contactName string Contact name.
contactPhone string Contact phone number (not include prefix).
contactPhonePrefix string Contact phone prefix.
countryCode string Country code alpha-2 (e.g. LV, FR,...).
department string Department.
doorCode string Door Code.
externalAddressId string External address ID, which is retrieved from IT4EM.
flatNo string Flat number.
floor string Floor.
houseNo string House number.
latitude string Latitude.
longitude string Longitude.
name string Name.
name2 string Name 2.
senderCustId string External customer ID of sender.
stateCode string State code.
street string Street.
zipCode string Zip code. Max length = 9, accept 0-9A-Z
uniqCustId string The uniqCustId is populated currenctly for all shipments created for CZ via GUI, import and API.
The uniCustId is populated with the buCustomId.




Name Type Description
additionalProductList [ExternalAdditionalProductDTO] List of additional products of shipment, include info about product name and elements.
cod ExternalCodDTO COD information.
highInsurance ExternalHighInsuranceDTO High insurance information.
idCheck IdCheckServiceDTO ID check information.
otherAdditionalServiceElementCode [string] List of element codes of other additional services.
predicts [ExternalPredictDTO] List of predict objects with detail information of each type.
pudoId string PUDO ID.
returnService ReturnDTO Return information.
rod RodDTO Return of document information.
swap SwapDTO SWAP information.




Name Type Description
additionalProductList [ExternalAdditionalProductDTO] Information about element codes of each additional services of shipment.
cod ExternalCodDTOV2 COD information of shipment.
highInsurance ExternalHighInsuranceDTOV2 Insurance information of shipment.
idCheck IdCheckServiceDTOV2 ID check information of shipment.
otherAdditionalServiceElementCode [string] List of element codes of additional services type "None".
predicts [ExternalPredictDTOV2] Predict information of shipment. Each predict type is one object.
pudo ExternalPudoDTOV2 PUDO information of shipment.
returnService ReturnDTOV2 Return address information of shipment.
rod RodDTOV2 ROD information of shipment.
swap SwapDTOV2 SWAP parcels information of shipment.




Name Type Description
createDate string Shipment creation date (in UTC). Format YYYYMMDD ? actual create date of a shipment from a DB.
createTime string Shipment creation time (in UTC). Format hhmmss ? actual create time of a shipment from a DB.
customerId string External customer ID.
maskedSender ExternalShipmentMarkedSenderAddressDTOV2 Masked sender information.
mpsId string MPS parcel number of shipment; will be returned if shipment is printed.
mpsidCckey string Check digit of appropriate MPSID.
parcels [ExternalShipmentParcelDTOV2] List of parcels of shipment.
pickupDate string Pickup date of pickup order of shipment IF pickup order is created along with shipment.
printDate string The date of first printing (in UTC). Format YYYYMMDD ? first print date of a shipment. (informative: field will be used as CDATE and CTIME in GEODATA generated by BUDAH).
printRef1AsBarcode boolean Shipment reference 1 is printed as barcode in Optional Additional Information on the DPD label. The value is "true" or "false".
printTime string The time of first printing (in UTC). Format hhmmss ? first print time of a shipment.
receiver ExternalShipmentReceiverAddressDTOV2 Receiver info.
routing ExternalShipmentRoutingDTOV2 Routing info.
sDepot string Sending depot.
For normal customer, get from pickup address.
For integration customer, get value from "depot" field in Input parameter.
sender ExternalShipmentSenderAddressDTOV2 Sender info.
sendingBuCode string BU of customer (not from the routing result).
service GetExternalShipmentServiceDTOV2 Information about main and additional services of shipment.
shipmentId integer(int64) Shipment ID in DPD Shipping.
shpParcelCounts integer(int64) Total parcels of shipment.
shpReference1 string Shipment reference 1.
shpReference2 string Shipment reference 2.
shpReference3 string Shipment reference 3.
shpReference4 string Shipment reference 4.
shpWeight number(double) Total weight of shipment (unit: kg).
status integer(int32) Status code of a shipment.
Value List:
"-1": Cancelled
"0": Draft
"1": With pickup
"2": Printed
updateDate string Last update date (in UTC). Format YYYYMMDD
updateTime string Last update time (in UTC). Format hhmmss
originalCustomerId string Information of real customer who creates the shipment
Optional for integration customer type and can be used only for this type
inter InterDTO Contains International customs Information




Name Type Description
additionalService GetExternalShipmentAdditionalServiceDTO List of additional services.
mainServiceCode string Main service code; one of 2 parameters mainServiceCode or mainServiceElementCode must be mandatory.
mainServiceElementCodes [string] List of main service element codes; one of 2 parameters mainServiceCode or mainServiceElementCode must be mandatory. If both parameters are inputted, use mainServiceElementCodes for the request.




Name Type Description
additionalService GetExternalShipmentAdditionalServiceDTOV2 All additional services of shipment.
mainServiceElementCodes [string] List of element codes of main service.
Element code type: string.




Name Type Description
receiverId string(5) Last 5 characters of ID number.
receiverName string(35) Receiver name for ID check.




Name Type Description
additionalAddressInfo string Additional Address Information
address2 string Address 2
address3 string Address 3
addressId string Internal address ID (in Master Data).
building string Building.
city string City.
companyName string Company name.
companyName2 string Company name 2.
contactEmail string Contact email.
contactFax string Contact fax number (not include prefix).
contactFaxPrefix string Contact fax prefix.
contactInterphoneName string Contact interphone name.
contactMobile string Contact mobile number (not include prefix).
contactMobilePrefix string Contact mobile prefix.
contactName string Contact name.
contactPhone string Contact phone number (not include prefix).
contactPhonePrefix string Contact phone prefix.
countryCode string Country code alpha-2 (e.g. LV, FR,...).
department string Department.
doorCode string Door Code.
externalAddressID string External address ID, which is retrieved from IT4EM.
flatNo string Flat number.
floor string Floor.
houseNo string House number.
latitude string Latitude.
longitude string Longitude.
name string Name.
name2 string Name 2.
stateCode string State code.
street string Street.
zipCode string Zip code. Max length = 9, accept 0-9A-Z




Name Type Description
rodReference string(35) ROD reference




Name Type Description
parcelNumbersBack [string] List of parcel number back.
serviceBack string Service code back, get from routing.
swappedParcelNumber integer(int32) Number of parcel back.




Name Type Description
errorCode string Error code.
errorContent string Error explanation.
errorField string The field has error.




Name Type Description
additionalProductList [ExternalAdditionalProductDTO] List of additional products of shipment, include info about product name and elements.
cod ExternalCodAdditionalServiceDTO COD information.
highInsurance ExternalHighInsuranceAdditionalServiceDTO High insurance information.
otherAdditionalServiceElementCode [string] List of element codes of other additional services.
predicts [ExternalPredictDTO] List of predict objects with detail information of each type.
pudo ExternalPudoDTO PUDO information.
pudoId string(2) PUDO ID.




Name Type Description
crCancelResultList [ExternalCollectionRequestResultDTO] List of result object.
errors [ErrorDTO] List of errors.
transactionId integer(int64) Request log ID.




Name Type Description
collectionRequestId integer(int64) Internal Collection Request ID.
complimentary1 string Complimentary 1.
complimentary2 string Complimentary 2.
customerOrderNumber string Customer Order Number of collection request.
depot ExternalDepotDTO Collecting depot information.
mpsid string MPSID of collection request.
orderNumber string Order Number of collection request.
parcelCount integer(int64) Total parcel number of collection request.
parcelResults [ExternalParcelDTO] List of parcel objects of collection request (in case of MPS).
pickUpDate string Pickup date of collection request; format YYYYMMDD.
receiver ExternalReceiverDTO Receiver information.
ref1 string Reference 1.
ref2 string Reference 2.
ref3 string Reference 3.
ref4 string Reference 4.
requestor ExternalRequesterDTO Requestor information.
routing ExternalRoutingDTO Routing information.
sender ExternalSenderDTO Sender information.
services ExternalServiceDTO List of main and additional services.
status string Status code of collection request:

10: SENT
subStatus string Sub-status code of collection request:





Name Type Description
collectionRequestResults [ExternalCollectionRequestResultDTO] List of result Collection Request object.
transactionId integer(int64) Request log ID; unique for each transaction.




Name Type Description
collectionRequestId integer(int64) Collection Request ID in COL 2.0.
collectionRequestStatus string Status code of collection request:
10: SENT
errors [ErrorDTO] List of errors.
numOrder integer(int32) The order of collection request in request. This must get from input parameter.
odepot string none
orderNumber integer(int64) Order number.
parcelId integer(int64) Internal parcel ID.
parcelNumber string Parcel number assigned.
requestorOrderNumber string Customer order number.
sdepot string none




Name Type Description
collectionRequests [ExternalCollectionDTO] List of collection request objects with parcels and products.
errors [ExternalResponseDTO] List of errors
totalCR integer(int64) Total number of collection requests that satisfied search criteria.
transactionId integer(int64) Request log ID.




Name Type Description
crUpdateResults [ExternalCollectionRequestResultDTO] List of result objects.
errors [ErrorDTO] List of errors.
transactionId integer(int64) Request log ID.




Name Type Description
cityName string Depot Address line 2
companyName string Company
fax string Fax
phone string Tel
postCode string Depot Address line 2
propNo string Depot Address line 1
sdepot string none
street string Depot Address line 1




Name Type Description
codAmount number(double) Parcel COD amount.
dimensionHeight integer(int32) Parcel height (centimeter).
dimensionLength integer(int32) Parcel length (centimeter).
dimensionWidth integer(int32) Parcel width (centimeter).
insuranceAmount number(double) Parcel insurance amount.
limitedQuantity boolean Limited Quantity information of parcel.
parcelId integer(int64) Internal parcel ID.
parcelNumber string Parcel number assigned.
parcelRef1 string Parcel reference 1.
parcelRef2 string Parcel reference 2.
parcelRef3 string Parcel reference 3.
parcelRef4 string Parcel reference 4.
weight number(double) Parcel weight (kg).




Name Type Description
additionalAddressInfo string(40) Contact additional address info
address2 string(35) Address 2.
address3 string(35) Address 3.
addressId long External Address ID (get from IT4EM)
Receiver address: ID of selected pickup address if "Use pickup address" is selected.
Requestor address: ID of default legal address.
city string(35) City.
companyName string(35) Company name.
companyName2 string(35) Company name 2.
contactEmail string(100) Contact email address.
contactFax string(30) Contact fax.
contactFaxPrefix string(4) Contact fax prefix.
contactInterphoneName string(35) Contact interphone name.
contactMobile string(30) Contact number.
contactMobilePrefix string(4) Contact mobile prefix.
contactName string(35) Contact name.
contactPhone string(30) Contact phone.
contactPhonePrefix string(4) Contact phone prefix.
countryCode string(3) Country code alpha-2 (e.g. LV, FR,...).
department string(35) Department.
doorCode string(8) Door code.
flatNo string(3) Flat number.
floor string(35) Floor.
houseNo string(4) House number.
id long none
name string(35) Name.
name2 string(35) Name 2.
pudoId string PUDO ID.
street string(35) Street.
zipCode string(9) Zip code. Max length = 9, accept 0-9A-Z




Name Type Description
additionalAddressInfo string Contact additional address info
address2 string Address 2.
address3 string Address 3.
addressId integer(int64) External Address ID (get from IT4EM)
Receiver address: ID of selected pickup address if "Use pickup address" is selected.
Requestor address: ID of default legal address.
city string City.
companyName string Company name.
companyName2 string Company name 2.
contactEmail string Contact email address.
contactFax string Contact fax.
contactFaxPrefix string Contact fax prefix.
contactInterphoneName string Contact interphone name.
contactMobile string Contact number.
contactMobilePrefix string Contact mobile prefix.
contactName string Contact name.
contactPhone string Contact phone.
contactPhonePrefix string Contact phone prefix.
countryCode string Country code alpha-2 (e.g. LV, FR,...).
department string Department.
doorCode string Door code.
flatNo string Flat number.
floor string Floor.
houseNo string House number.
id integer(int64) none
name string Name.
name2 string Name 2.
receiverId string none
street string Street.
zipCode string Zip code. Max length = 9, accept 0-9A-Z




Name Type Description
additionalAddressInfo string Contact additional address info
address2 string Address 2.
address3 string Address 3.
addressId integer(int64) External Address ID (get from IT4EM)
Receiver address: ID of selected pickup address if "Use pickup address" is selected.
Requestor address: ID of default legal address.
city string City.
companyName string Company name.
companyName2 string Company name 2.
contactEmail string Contact email address.
contactFax string Contact fax.
contactFaxPrefix string Contact fax prefix.
contactInterphoneName string Contact interphone name.
contactMobile string Contact number.
contactMobilePrefix string Contact mobile prefix.
contactName string Contact name.
contactPhone string Contact phone.
contactPhonePrefix string Contact phone prefix.
countryCode string Country code alpha-2 (e.g. LV, FR,...).
department string Department.
doorCode string Door code.
flatNo string Flat number.
floor string Floor.
houseNo string House number.
id integer(int64) none
name string Name.
name2 string Name 2.
requestorId string Customer ID of the requestor.
street string Street.
zipCode string Zip code. Max length = 9, accept 0-9A-Z




Name Type Description
errorCode string Error code.
errorField string The field has error.
errorText string Error explanation.




Name Type Description
asCode string Service code - Additional service code
barcodeId string Code 128 barcode text - Starting character of 28 digit 1D barcode
buAlphaStr string Destination business unit
buCode string Destination business unit code
csort string none
ddepot string none
ddepotCountry string none
ddepotStr string none
dsort string none
networkCode string Code 128 barcode text - Calculated destination network code
osort string none
partnerCode string Partner code
serviceMark string Service mark indicator - Indicator field on the label
serviceText string Service text - Service description on the GeoLabel
soCode string Service code - Sorting code
ssort string none
version string Label origin - Version of the routing




Name Type Description
additionalAddressInfo string Contact additional address info
address2 string Address 2.
address3 string Address 3.
addressId integer(int64) External Address ID (get from IT4EM)
Receiver address: ID of selected pickup address if "Use pickup address" is selected.
Requestor address: ID of default legal address.
city string City.
companyName string Company name.
companyName2 string Company name 2.
contactEmail string Contact email address.
contactFax string Contact fax.
contactFaxPrefix string Contact fax prefix.
contactInterphoneName string Contact interphone name.
contactMobile string Contact number.
contactMobilePrefix string Contact mobile prefix.
contactName string Contact name.
contactPhone string Contact phone.
contactPhonePrefix string Contact phone prefix.
countryCode string Country code alpha-2 (e.g. LV, FR,...).
department string Department.
doorCode string Door code.
flatNo string Flat number.
floor string Floor.
houseNo string House number.
id integer(int64) none
name string Name.
name2 string Name 2.
senderId string none
street string Street.
zipCode string Zip code. Max length = 9, accept 0-9A-Z




Name Type Description
additionalServices ExternalAdditionalServiceDTO Additional services information.
mainServiceCode string Main service code.
mainServiceElementCodes [string] List of main service element codes




Name Type Description
code string none
content string none
field string none
messageType string none
params [string] none

Enumerated Values

Property Value
messageType ERROR
messageType WARNING
messageType CONFIRM
messageType INFO




Name Type Description
data object none
messages [NstMessage] none




Name Type Description
beginPostCode string Start of postal code range
cityNameEnglish string Name of the city or village in English
cityNameLocal string Name of the city or village in local language (the most relevant one if there are more than one languages)
cityNameLocalLang string ISO639-1 code of the language for the local city name. In case there are multiple languages required for the same city name the line should be repeated as many times as many languages are required.
countryCode string ISO 2 digit alphabetic code of the country.
endPostCode string End of the postal code range
stateCode string State code for this city.




Name Type Description
data [ProductSelectionRouteResponseDTO] none
messages [NstMessage] none




Name Type Description
data RouteResultDTO none
messages [NstMessage] none




Name Type Description
asCode string Additional service code.
asCodeElements [string] none
buCode string Business Unit code.
csort string Customer sortation code.
dcountry string Destination country.
ddepot string The destination depot number.
ddgroup string none
dsort string Destination sort.
ocountry string Origin country.
odgroup string Origin Depot group.
osort string Origin sortation code.
soCode string Sorting code.
soCodeElements [string] none
ssort string Sortation code.
zdPostCode string none




Name Type Description
asCode string Additional service code.
barcodeId string The barcode id is the starting character of the 28 digit barcode.
barcodePostcode string none
buAlphaStr string String representation of the destination business unit.
buCode string Business Unit code.
cSort string Customer sortation code.
dCountry string Destination country.
dDepot string none
dDepotCountry string The country code of the destination depot.
dDepotStr string none
dSort string Destination sort.
networkCode string Calculated destination network code.
oSort string Origin sortation code.
partnerCode string Partner code.
sSort string Sortation code.
serviceMark string Indicator field on the label.
serviceText string Service description on the GeoLabel.
soCode string Sorting code.
version string Version of the routing.




Name Type Description
data CrCollectionAndRouteResultDTO none
messages [NstMessage] none




Name Type Description
collectionData CrCollectionDataDTO none
routeResult RouteResultDTO none




Name Type Description
collectingBu string none
collectingDepot string none
warningList [GeoWarningDTO] none
workingDayDate string(date-time) none




Name Type Description
dataValue string none
errorCode ErrorCodeDTO none
sourceObj string none
sourceStep string none




Name Type Mandatory Description
enName string none
shortCode string none




Name Type Description
transactionId long Request log ID; unique for each transaction.
labelFile string Byte array of PDF or ZPL.
errors ExternalItemLogDTO List of errors.
routing RelabelRouteResultDTO Routing object contains the attributes obtained from GRDB.
Routing parameters are not always available.




Name Type Description
buCode string BU Code got from GeoRouting.
buAlphaStr string String representation of the destination business unit.
networkCode string Calculated destination network code.
partnerCode string Partner code.
barcodeId string The barcode id is the starting character of the 28 digit barcode.
serviceText string Service description on the GeoLabel.
serviceMark string Indicator field on the label.
version string Version of the routing.
barcodePostcode string none
soCode string Sorting code.
dCountry string Destination country.
dDepotCountry string The country code of the destination depot.
dDepot string The destination depot number.
dDepotStr string none
sSort string Sortation code.
oSort string Origin sortation code.
cSort string Customer sortation code.
dSort string Destination sort.